The GenieZ

Media for the well-being

The GenieZ is a media startup organization providing the well-being for Generation Z. The startup idea came up through the sessions of Enterpeneurial Journalism, a course by Associate Professor Betty Tsakarestou in the postgraduate program “Information Society, Media and Technology of Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences.

The idea

TikTok app is best known for its creative content from users around the world. As a market researcher, I didn’t just spend my quarantine time on the app, but I was also gathering insights for the upcoming startup. A very important insight was that well-being is a state of mind, a lifestyle that Generation Z really wants to adapt, but the Covid-19 pandemic affects their mental stability.

People around the world, especially Generation Z, are using the hashtags #wellbeing, #mentalhealth, #mentalhealthmatters to spead awareness. The movemement was joint by famous TikTokers like @kallmekris, while experts of the field started to give quick tips and advice to support it.

TikTok also observed these content videos, so they announced that they connected the network of wellbeing heroes who will be offering mental health and wellbeing advice, sharing experiences or simply doing what they can to put a smile on your face!.

My insights from the research and monitoring on the app concluded three categories:

  1. Licenced experts
  2. People who share their personal stories from therapy
  3. People who share their deepest feelings in the app

That’s when the idea for a media organization providing the well-being especially for Generation Z came up and “The GenieZ” was created by collaborating with my dear co-founder Annfishe.

The creative process

One of the first things we did to get our idea into life was to conduct a questionnaire to Generation Z, which are our real and potential members. In the picture below you could see the most important insights:

Then we stepped to the design thinking process where we made our value proposition canvas and the business model canvas.

Our main product is The GenieZ podcast which aim is to provide well-being for Generation Z, through dialogues with experts which will be enriched with additional insights from our members.

As the time goes by we will start providing webinars, meditation courses and therapy sessions. All of them will be contained in the website which is in need to be created.

Overall our experts will be:

  • Phycologists
  • Mental Health Scientists
  • Phyciatrics
  • Phycoanalysts
  • Meditation Experts

All of The GenieZ work will be done cooperatively, so as to provide the best user experience for our members.

The competition field

The competition field is really interesting about well-being podcasts for a niche audience like Generation Z and also for a general one and we couldn’t ignore if the main competition is audience or expert driven.

In the greek landscape the competitive podcasts don’t have such a niche audience nor an audience-driven philosophy. On the contrary, in a more worldwide english-speaking landscape there are existed well-being podcasts for Generation Z and they are curated through Gen Z itself, which is an important characteristic that The GenieZ also have.

The GenieZ is almost in the center of the competition model which gives it the space to bloom between the worldwide competitives and to be distinguished in the greek landscape, in which we will make the first steps.

So, why The GenieZ?

The GenieZ is not only a podcast with weekly episodes. What we really want is to create is a community and a safe space for every member. The podcast is the headstart for our organization. We offer a freemium model with various packages which could be modified as we keep getting feedback from our members.

The membership is quite important to us, as we will built our trust and community through it. Together we will raise awareness about how much mental health matters, especially for Generation Z, who are the future of this world.

Stay tuned as a Discord server will be created soon in order to support our community.

Founders: Konstantina Nikolopoulou, Annfishe

Mentor & Professor: Betty Tsakarestou



Konstantina Nikolopoulou
Digital Media Startups  and Entrepreneurial Journalism Solutions

Account Executive || MSc in Information Society, Media & Technology @ Panteion University of Social And Political Sciences