TreeHugger analysis

By Antonis Psarianos

TreeHugger’s cover page on Facebook

TreeHugger was found back in 2004 and it belongs among the best start-up ever made. Its innovation is to create a new style of life, friendlier to the environment. In other words, TreeHugger’s main mission is to bring a sustainable life to the masses, and bring down the reputation that a “green” life is a life of deprivation. That’s not true, as we can see in its topics. The majority of articles that posted explain the way “green” life has many positives and certainly does not mean sacrifice.

As we said the categories are about “green” life. Those are Desing, Living, Science, Technology, Transportation, Business, Energy and Slideshows. All the articles explain the positive way of living and how we can create more. Life and environment could benefit with little things we can change in our normal life. New Media, especially Social Media are part of it. TreeHugger is very popular on Facebook and Twitter, which is very important for its development. People can easily learn about it and be part of the “green” revolution.

In spite of the fact that TreeHugger is a start-up, it has achieved to gather enough resources to pay its own requirements, the main goal for a new website. Meanwhile, a massive community has developed around it. Users like this initiative and bring a huge feedback that makes easier the promotion of the main idea. As a result of this rapid revolution, the website has created web tv but in 2007 Discovery Channel bought TreeHugger which means the web tv has no reason to continue its services.

In the matter of current situation, website attracts around two million unique users per month, a quite huge number. According to Technorati, TreeHugger ranked among top-20 best blogs, which means that more and more people learn about it. Thirty writers from ten different countries post on this blog, a number that rises continually.

To sum up, TreeHugger is an innovation that changes daily life of people. A lot of users react positively to “green” life and use this way more and more. Its action inspires even more blogs to concern about the environment, especially with all these climate problems that humanity faces in the last decade. It’s vital for us to learn more about the consequences of climate change and what we can do to act against them.


