Announcing: Mad Genius!

Randy Gage
Entrepreneurial Thinking
3 min readDec 18, 2015

Home | Blog | Announcing: Mad Genius!

By Randy Gage in Critical Thinking, Prosperity, Success.

Why is conventional thinking (and culture) so backward and innovation killing? Why is the default setting almost always, “that’s impossible,” or “it just can’t be done”? Why are millions of people simply incapable of practicing critical thinking?

These are the kinds of questions I think about. A lot. I mean a really, really lot.

Because if we really want to change the world, we have to change the way we think…

We have to identify the causes of these limiting ways of thinking and then kill them. We have to change the culture. And we have to change what they teach in the education system. (Or at least supplement it with young people while they are still in the determinative states of developing their worldview.) Which is where I need your help. More about that in a minute…

It was these issues that inspired me to write my newest book, Mad Genius. This book is like none I’ve ever written before. In fact, it’s like none no one has ever written before. Really.

Mad Genius is a manifesto for entrepreneurs (and employees who want to think like entrepreneurs). Whether you’re looking to create brilliant marketing, design a breakthrough product, or disrupt an entire industry — Mad Genius is a call to action. An entreaty to never settle for mediocrity, but demand the very best from yourself. It will implore you to find an idea so big it scares the hell out of you — and then jolt you to actually go out and do it.

The book will be published in mid-January. I’m starting the pre-order campaign now, in the hopes of making it a worldwide smash; a book that hits all the bestseller lists, generates serious buzz and most importantly, gets people to think about what they think about.

I have testimonials from some of the most powerful thought leaders, agents of change, and critical thinkers on the planet. They’re supporting the book through their blogs, social media, speeches and other work. But for this book to really breakthrough and change thinking around the world I need you.

I need all of you. All of the prosperity warriors on my Prosperity Scopes each morning, the people who read my blog, and the viewers on my YouTube channel. You know my work and my mission better than anyone, because you’re exposed to it every week or every day. You can speak from heartfelt personal experience and the people in your world will listen. Can I get your support on this campaign?

Here’s what I’m asking:

First go to and place an order. At the very least, order a copy of the book for yourself. If you can swing it, grab a couple extra. I’d appreciate it if you’d give one to a teenager or college student. Someone still in those formative years when they’re deciding between entitlement mentality and entrepreneurship. And if you can, donate one to your local library. (This is the kind of book most library system don’t ever stock on the shelves.)

Then, please spread the word. Share the link on your social media accounts, using the hash tag #MadGenius

I know you’re going to love the book. And hate the book. Because it will make you think about things in ways you never have before. If I’ve done my job right, the book will unsettle you. But most importantly, it will unleash your creative genius, to think in ways that create breakthroughs. Thanks for following my work, and being a part of this campaign!


P.S. Here is the page with all the details again. Be sure and add your comments to the discussion:

Tags: abundance, goal setting, goals, manifesting prosperity, prosperity mindset, success training, entrepreneur, Mad Genius

Originally published at on December 18, 2015.



Randy Gage
Entrepreneurial Thinking

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.