Making Friends With Your Frustration

Tom Woodhouse
Entrepreneur’s Collective
2 min readFeb 27, 2017


Ever wondered why it seems the people you look up to have great successes and no matter how hard you work you can’t seem to even touch the things they had achieved?

I have. Sometimes it can feel like you’re banging your head on a brick wall. Regardless of what you do, who you speak to, things stay the same.

What if i told you that the very thing that frustrates you and threatens to destroy you, is the thing that could put you into that success category?

It is my firm belief that frustrations are your biggest teachers in life. It’s not the savvy dude you’re watching on a webinar, or your business partner or anyone, or anything for that matter.

Let me explain… Let’s say, you’re frustrated with your business, clients just aren’t exactly pouring in right now and you’re starting to worry about how you’re going to pay the bills this month.

Your reaction to the situation will determine it’s outcome. You can either sit there and feel sorry for yourself, or you can listen to what it’s screaming at you to realise!

You can use that frustration to understand that your current approach to getting clients isn’t working. You need to switch things up. It can be the kickstarter to a whole new level of thinking.

Instead of google adwords, you could switch to networking. What i’m trying to say, is that frustration is more of a teacher than an enemy. You never liked your teachers that much but you learnt something regardless.

It’s all about how you think. If you switch your mindset up to use frustrations rather than being defeated by them, you open up a whole new world of possibility and personal growth. It can be applied to any area of life.

In the wise words of Richard Branson. You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and by falling over.

You learn to succeed by hitting frustrations. Plain and simple.

Thats all i got for ya today! Hope it inspires and encourages you to endure a tough season! :)




Tom Woodhouse
Entrepreneur’s Collective

Owner of — Digital Marketing Agency. I’m a nerd, entrepreneur, MMA enthusiast and a guy who holds genuine passion for what he does.