The First 10 Days at #DraperU

A Sneak Peek Into Draper University’s First Week

Abhineet Kumar
2 min readJan 30, 2014

I applied to Draper University’s online program seeing my friend Raman get through the offline one based out of San Mateo, California. Of course, who wouldn’t once they see the program is backed by Tim Draper himself! They had a very simple application to fill and had a fun element to it which involved making a Youtube video telling why you have been put on earth.

Here’s my #DraperU application video:

A few days later, I received a reply from Kelsey from #DraperU saying I was selected. To be honest, initially I was apprehensive about the whole program and whether it would be valuable to me or not.

However, 10 days into it, I have come to realize the things which it has taught me. I am in the process of launching a tech-enabled startup, and Draper University’s courses on Vision, and Creativity have aided aptly by preparing my team and me to shape a vision as well as clear idea on what problem we want our product to solve.

A few things which stood out for me are:

The lecture on Accelerating Innovation by Steve Jurvetson — After listening to him, I feel he is one person who has a wonderful vision of how the world should be 50 years from now (just as my idol Elon Musk on whose companies’ board Steve sits on), and I hope to converse with him on this someday soon.

The book “The Startup Game” by Bill Draper — This book should be a must-read for everyone getting into entrepreneurship and more so into tech-enabled businesses. Some of the stories mentioned in the book are indeed fascinating and have increased my curiosity about Silicon Valley and how the venture world functions.

There have been several other key learnings which I hope to blog in my next entry. For now, I’d go and finish off my assignment on making 5 predictions in the next 50 years. Btw, I can’t wait for my #DraperU welcome kit to come!

Image courtesy: Draper University


