Not every thing you create will be brilliant

Inspired from an AVC post

Abhishek Desai
2 min readJan 31, 2014

I respect Fred Wilson. He is a VC and writes an excellent blog “AVC”.

He wrote a gem of an article recently — “You Are Not Your Work

This article gave me a new way to think about my work. It is also inline with our current transformation as a company.

An excerpt from the article:

One of my favorite lines from an entrepreneur came from Rob Kalin. I am sure I’ve shared it here a few times. He said “I am an artist. Making websites is my medium right now”. That’s a helpful way for entrepreneurs to think about their work.

Yes, indeed this is a great way for us to think about our work — “I am an artist. Making interactive digital solutions for clients is my medium right now.”

Another excerpt:

They (entrepreneurs) are the painter. Some paintings will hang in the MOMA and others will sit gathering dust in a storage room. Not every thing you create will be brilliant. But you can be brilliant while still making work that isn’t, particularly if you understand why the work that wasn’t great wasn’t great.

Wow, this happens all the time. Not every thing we create at Digicorp is brilliant. Sometimes things simply don’t work out. But if we think and understand why the work we did was not so great, we can still be brilliant in the process.

Awesome. Simply one of the best articles we have read recently.

Thank you Fred.

I am Abhishek Desai, co-founder of Digicorp and product manager of ReadBoard and BA Apps.

Since 2004, Digicorp is helping startups build meaningful and usable software products.

