#7 Puji — founder of a Software Development & IT Consultancy

Lydia Heng
Entrepreneurs of Southeast Asia
6 min readDec 29, 2021


You are reading the seventh article of a themed series on Entrepreneurs of Southeast Asia which seeks to share the stories of the faces behind businesses which often go on unheard, or unasked. This is also a place where aspiring or current entrepreneurs can be inspired, encouraged, and learn from their counterparts. Check out the full series and other articles here!

Puji, Founder and CEO of Kulkul Technology
Puji, Founder and CEO of Kulkul Technology

Tell me about yourself and your business

I had a dream after reading about the biography of how Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak built Apple.

I majored in engineering in Indonesia. There was no entrepreneurship in school. The only entrepreneurial thing I did in university was to sell uniforms for laboratory use.

I graduated then worked at startups. I saw that it was cool and interesting. I don’t have any family background in entrepreneurship.

After working in Gojek for 2 years, someone asked me to join his startup. I wanted to know the business side, and how to build up the company. I helped setup the company’s first app in Indonesia and the Philippines. I also saw people being laid off and how the company was managed.

Later, I applied to other companies.



Lydia Heng
Entrepreneurs of Southeast Asia

Writer and aspiring entrepreneur. She shares thought provocative insights and stories based on her experiences, observations, and interactions with others.