Aspiring Entrepreneurs

3 Main Characteristics to start your journey

Besnik Ligaci
Entrepreneurship Albania
4 min readFeb 12, 2019


To be an entrepreneur has become the trend of the few latest years. Seems like every other public profile that you see or encounter in the social media platforms like @linkedin, @facebook @twitter or @instagram is either an entrepreneur or an aspiring one (myself included).

Many attempts have been taken at entrepreneurship and the failure rates have gone up, and that is not a bad thing. It takes a lot of trial and error before you can enjoy some sort of success. A lot of people think that just by putting “entrepreneur” in their bio, you automatically qualify; but what does it really take to even be considered an entrepreneur?

What characteristics does one has to have to even come close to be qualified of such entitlement? Even worst, is it really that important to be called an entrepreneur?

This is a vast discussion and i am sure i am only scratching the surface, but i believe that you can start by owning or acquiring these following 3 main characteristics, and than take it from there.

1. Head on the clouds…

… will give you the vision and drive to think big, go far and stay above the everyday struggle.

Entrepreneurship is a lonely game, as stresses every time he gets the chance, helping people understand there is nothing fancy about it. Be the leader that everyone needs and looks up to. Whether you are a solopreneur, have a small gig or have managed to build a small company, your vision, your “why” will always be the “light at the end of the tunnel”. Follow that light. If you don’t know your why, #simonsinek is here to help. Check out the following photo…

2. Feet on the ground…

… will help you stay humble.

Know your roots, remember why you started, it will keep you close to the truth, keep you close to the idea and problem that you are solving. Don’t get me wrong, i am not saying don’t evolve and progress. By all means, you should do that 100%. Make new connections, seek new opportunities, develop yourself, develop your idea, develop your team. Make sure to keep real people around you. You don’t need the ones that will only say yes to everything that you say and do; you need people that will give you arguments and reason when you “lose your way”. Move forward as long as you don’t move away from your goals.

3. Heart on the business…

… the heart; so many of us “forget” about it.

We forget that you need to love what you do in order to keep going at it 24/7, even when things get rough and there are few options to push forward. And this is true also when you are employed. Have you seen an employee that loves his job? How happy, committed and motivated they are? We forget that it is because of that heart and love that we put into our ideas that make us successful and provide us with the power to overcome any obstacle. We forget that it was about the idea and the love you had about that idea the initial motivation that pushed you to make the jump towards the unknown, towards entrepreneurship.

So don’t forget your heart. Don’t forget to include it in your decisions, your relationships with the people you employ, with the people you do business with; and very important: don’t forget your heart when you’re dealing with your customers, for its the reason they are still your customers.

There is plenty of products, services, ideas around that in many ways are similar and can pretty much fulfill the needs and wants of people; but the ones that offer more than that; the ones that put their hearts into it are the successful ones.

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About the Author

Besnik Ligaci is a tech enthusiast and aspiring entrepreneur, a firm believer in empowering women and men through equal opportunities and presence in entrepreneurship and all walks of life. Connect with Besnik also on other social media channels: LinkedIn Twitter Instagram Facebook Quora Medium. You can also say “Hello” when you see me on the street 😊



Besnik Ligaci
Entrepreneurship Albania

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; MSD; Business development; Economic Development. There are no passengers on spaceship Earth, we are all crew.