Teaching Entrepreneurship: Lesson #1 | Straight from Class

Jaadu Ki Nagri
Entrepreneurship for Schools
2 min readJan 12, 2018

“Can we all become successful entrepreneurs one day?” asked the students curiously to Ankur Bhaiya. The first class of ‘Teaching Entrepreneurship’ began with a lot of questions and puzzles.

“Bhaiya this is a really new word, we haven’t heard it before.” said Nitika. All knew about business in one form or the other. But entrepreneurship was a new word.

Looking at a poster of Steve Jobs, Sumera asked “Apple Inc. was founded by him, but he didn’t even complete his studies. How could he do it?”

With the questions and riddles which had to be answered, there were myths related to entrepreneurship which had to be busted. Only intelligent people become successful entrepreneurs? Why do we need so much of money to become a big businesswoman? With all these questions coming we knew we were on the right path with this class. Delighted and scratching his head, Ankur Bhaiya was already impressed with the girls of grade 8th and 9th. He said “You are so young and yet so intelligent!?”

Sonali said, “Ankur bhaiya, you also need to bust some myths.”

As the class progressed, students were awe-struck with stories of all the entrepreneurs from around the world, how they started humbly and made big in the world. Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Narayana Murthy, and Dhirubhai Ambani all had one thing in common. “What was it?”, asked Ankur Bhaiya.

They all did something which solved something. They had a thought, they had ideas.

An idea can change the world. Only ideas, no matter big or small, have solved big problems. What if we don’t have an idea yet? No problem! We just need to be a little bit observant and absorbent of our surroundings. What if we don’t succeed? What if we fail? Yes there are risks. But not many. Entrepreneurs take risks only when they have calculated them well.

“So is there is a formula to calculate risk?” asked Hanshika scratching her head.

Take risks where it is the last option, after analyzing all the results. She would consider every factor that would influence her decision, what were the results of her company last time and then only will bring about changes.

All the big words were seamlessly simplified with videos from ProBano and the students enjoyed studying with animated characters. The class ended with our aspiring entrepreneurs super charged with their thinking caps on and motivated to learn even more.

