What I learnt working with entrepreneurs

Sah. V. Lasso
entrepreneurship & innovation 101
3 min readNov 15, 2017

I have always been interest in entrepreneurship. I read a lot about it on Inc and on Entrepreneur and my master thesis was on entrepreneurship and startups.

But it was when I worked with entrepreneurs on an incubator, helping them with their business model canvas, pitching, business plan and whatever more they needed that I really got to know them…and there is one thing I can say about entrepreneurs:

They are hardcore kick ass people.


It is really easy to read about entrepreneurship, it is easy to have a business idea…but to really work hard on it to make it happen…that is something else.

I saw entrepreneurs failing and going back again, I saw entrepreneurs getting broke and getting back again, I saw entrepreneurs being a success and going back to do another business again…and do you know what it takes?

Passion ( and a lot of coffee and awake nights…)

(I know that it takes passion to be a doctor as well and many other occupations)

But you can see passion in the entrepreneurs eyes, you can see the passion when they are presenting a pitch idea, you can see passion on their hard work. And most of them fail. Fail hard. Fail ugly.

With them I learnt several lessons:

  1. to always be prepared
  2. to be passionate
  3. to study (your own company but also market, future, innovation…)
  4. to always use the opportunities
  5. to try (again and again)
  6. to fail
  7. to share your knowledge and experiences
  8. to value a cup of coffee with a stranger
  9. to take criticism
  10. to always look for mentors

As I said, it is easy to read about entrepreneurs, their story, their failures, their success, but not so easy to be one of them. Entrepreneurship is more than just a good idea, is more than just talking to someone about the idea…it is an occupation, it is a life style.

It can be a lonely road if you are not in a network ( like an incubator, accelerator, innovation hub or something like that). But some entrepreneurs manage to succeed by themselves. They open their business and stand for their idea or even do a spin of is that is the case!

The most important thing is learning with the failures, yours and from others, and if that is the case maybe failing fast can be the best option (but again, I´m not an entrepreneur myself, so it is easy to say, right?)

So, if you have the dream to be an entrepreneur, I wish you all the luck in the world my friend, because you are going to be a hardcore kick ass person.

pictures from:StockSnap



Sah. V. Lasso
entrepreneurship & innovation 101

Curious and focused as a cat with a laser. Expert in jumping out from the comfort zone by doing things I´m not good at! Publishing here since Sep 20, 2017.