Book Review of "The Power Law" written by Sebastian Mallaby

How the Power Law Rules Venture Investing

Entrepreneurs read this before fundraising


Audio Summary of "The Power Law"

“I’ve got it,” she said simply.

“What?” her partner asked.

“I was at the incubation program, remember? We need funds.” she didn’t wait for his answer.

He remembered, but her look made him feel otherwise.

Time seemed to slow.

“We raise venture capital money,” she added.

“For what? It is just a pitchdeck yet. And we’re nearly broke,” he countered.

“Exactly,” she said.

“That’s why it’s now. We’ve got four weeks.” Her certainty was stark. No room for his doubts.

“We’re not beaten yet. We have our plan. It’s time,” she stated.

Her words were direct, leaving no space for hesitation. A clear path lay ahead, lit by her resolve.

Conversations like this happen before future entrepreneurs pick up the phone and call me with one question:

"Do you know Venture Capitalists?"



Chris Soschner
Entrepreneurship, Investment & Innovation

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