Thought of the Day #7/2021

The Little Strategy That Beats the Market

Or like Mohnish Pabrai put it: ComLB 26


Thought of the Day #7/2021 The Little Strategy That Beats the Market Or like Mohnish Pabrai put it: ComLB 26
Performance of Authors Trend Portfolio at the time of writing the article

Here is the straightforward way to compound at least 26% on the stock market annually. Do you want to know how? Then this article is for you.

Recently I have watched a few videos by the famous investor Mohnish Pabrai. He created his fame with two activities:

  1. Building businesses and start investing
  2. Paying 650,000 Dollars for dinner with Warren Buffett

In his speeches, he frequently points out that he came across Warren Buffetts way of investing back in the 90s. Since then, he focused on beating Warren Buffetts average rate of return or working on this goal while creating above-average annual returns.

Mohnish has coined his vision into the term

ComLB 26 which he has put on his californian license plate

Why ComLB 26?

What is an excellent performance for funds?

This is one of the most interesting questions for people who want to invest money to create generational wealth.



Chris Soschner
Entrepreneurship, Investment & Innovation

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