Entrepreneurship: Delegation vs. Getting Shit Done Yourself

Erick Hoxter
Entrepreneurship: Paving the Path
2 min readFeb 14, 2015

If there is one thing about business ownership that we have mastered as children it is the art of delegating.

We maximized our time to read, do homework, or play video games by having mom make us lunch. I’m sure those were the best pizza rolls ever, weren't they?

As we grow up, some of us become lone wolfs, self proclaimed experts, and overachievers. This is NOT a bad thing. Certain tasks we would love to take our time to take care of. When deciding the course of action you have to take the two most obvious things into account — The task and the delegee.

Once you take those two things into account, one of two obvious things will happen. You’ll do it yourself, at the expense of investing that time into another important task OR you’ll give it to someone else to do. IF you decide on the latter, it is important to qualify the individual in comparison to the priority of the task. That way you KNOW he or she can handle it and you won’t regret the choice of not having it done yourself.

TRY THIS: The night before, or day before, write down your list of tasks, meetings, etc for the next day. All of them! No matter if they are already in your schedule, aren’t due until 3–7 days later, All of your tasks. Now ask yourself “if I could complete any of these tasks, which would benefit me the most? Which are on the strictest timeline?” Schedule them in. Begin to prioritize your day. By the hour, by the half hour, by the minute! With the lesser tasks left on your list, put them in the care of an entrusted employee or contractor.

The benefit? Watch your efficiency increase EXPONENTIALLY; you’ll get way more done in your day. More importantly, you’ll get way more important tasks done as well as the sense of relief knowing that you’ve delegated the proper tasks to another person.

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I’m a copywriter dedicated to helping businesses increase sales and connect more with their customer. Find out more at erickhoxter.com



Erick Hoxter
Entrepreneurship: Paving the Path

Erick air-ick (n): Copywriter, blogger, chess hobbyist, philosophy nut, nature & science enthusiast, a music & performing arts junkie