Entrepreneurship: Getting Your First Client

Erick Hoxter
Entrepreneurship: Paving the Path
2 min readFeb 19, 2015

So you have a product or service to offer the world….now what?

The answer here is plain and simple. You just do it. There is a great quote to follow when starting a new venture.

“Over analysis leads to paralysis.” — Every mentor I've ever had

Sure, you want to study and learn the basics. That can include: schooling, watching YouTube videos of those who are already in your field, reading articles, and so much more. You know how to educate yourself. However, that isn’t what will make your money. ACTION WILL.

So you want to get your first client?

TRY THIS: Pick up the phone and offer your service. Yes, cold calling! Take the first step. What the individual on the other end needs to know is simple: How will your product or service benefit me (or my business)? How much will it cost me?

If you can make your call, give your pitch, and resolve any objections, then you’ll have yourself a client in no time!

Now… There are other aspects to generating leads in the 21st century. Such as your social media presence, web content production, interaction with your target market, what can you GIVE in order to show the quality of your product or service, and much more. However, this all starts with the first step. The rest will come.

Show the world what you are offering and how it can truly benefit them. Now stop reading, and go run your business.

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I’m a copywriter dedicated to helping businesses increase sales and connect more with their customer. Find out more at erickhoxter.com



Erick Hoxter
Entrepreneurship: Paving the Path

Erick air-ick (n): Copywriter, blogger, chess hobbyist, philosophy nut, nature & science enthusiast, a music & performing arts junkie