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One and a Half Steps to Entrepreneurship

Erick Hoxter
Entrepreneurship: Paving the Path


Entrepreneurship is just a hop, skip, and a jump away. One small step and one giant leap.

The Small Step

The Decision.

“I want to be self employed, build my brand, and run my own business.” you utter to yourself in the mirror.

Then comes the planning and finding your niche. While that may require some additional research and studying, like being an entrepreneur, knowing what you want to do is already inside of you.

What do you enjoy doing that can bring you a profit? Do you have a knack or some raw talent for that activity? If you don’t enjoy it and your not good at it, then where are you gonna go with it? EVERYTHING has a different Return on Investment(ROI). FOR EXAMPLE: Busking and hustling for hours on end in Central Park will earn me zilch and I’ll have wasted however much time I invested; However, give me the product information for a local business and I can take a few hours to ensure its attractiveness and guarantee sales. Why? Because the ROI of a pen, pad, and an interest in creative writing has been massive and has enabled me to deliver results when looking at that product information for the small business. Make sense?

The BIG Step.

Take MASSIVE action. Profound, right? You’ve probably heard this before and probably have heard the likes of the powerful Tony Robbins say this. However, the reason you’re even reading this article is because you’re still thinking and not DOING.

It’s the hustle, the work, the time invested that makes a business owner a business owner. Nine out of ten of podcasts don’t go past the fifth episode, start ups don’t succeed, and other ventures FAIL because they are NOT doing the work to put themselves out there on social media, putting out content, and building their brand every single day.

It is also more than working long hours. TRY THIS: Write down the time you start working. Every time you step away from doing something work related… write it down. Eat? Write it down. Take a call or text that isn’t related to building your business. Write it down. Watch a funny YouTube video? Write it down. Audit your time. Develop a personal time management system to help you be more effective and get more done. If you want to be more effective and drive results right away — click here. You’d be surprised at the amount of people who aren’t using their time effectively to learn his or her craft, deliver content, brand build, and get results. The biggest step is to stop thinking and start doing. It’s important to reiterate this step. Another article is not going to help you. Dive in. Find what works and what doesn’t. Take action today. Be a business owner.

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I’m a copywriter dedicated to helping businesses increase sales and connect more with their customer. Find out more at



Erick Hoxter
Entrepreneurship: Paving the Path

Erick air-ick (n): Copywriter, blogger, chess hobbyist, philosophy nut, nature & science enthusiast, a music & performing arts junkie