BMW Unveils E Ink Technology … To Change the Colour of His Car.

Aashish Sharma
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2022

The motorist starts 2022 with an innovation worthy of a science fiction movie. Thanks to its new E Ink technology, the BMW IX Flow electric model can change color with a single button.

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Alongside the autonomous InnerSpace concept car presented by Cadillac, BMW revealed its latest prototype at CES 2022, a great mass of new technologies. The German manufacturer exhibited its BMW iX Flow incorporating a new feature: the E Ink system.

This unusual device, based on electrophoretic, makes it possible to modulate the color pigments of the exterior of the vehicle according to desires. E Ink is composed of microcapsules that contain negatively charged white pigments and positively charged black pigments. Thanks to stimulation by electrical signals, these pigments accumulate on the surface of the microcapsule, making it possible to change the hue of the car.

The traveler will also be able to adjust the color of the surface of his vehicle according to the intensity of light and the outside temperature, thus optimizing the reflections of the sun’s rays and the absorption of thermal energy.

In line with its environmental objectives, BMW ensures that E Ink technology does not require any additional energy to maintain the consistency of the chosen color.

Originally published at Entrepreneur News and Startup Guide.



Aashish Sharma

Aashish Sharma is a Founder and Blogger at https//, specializing in Social Media and Digital Marketing.