Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing Must go Hand in Hand

Aashish Sharma
Published in
3 min readFeb 12, 2019

Digital marketing and traditional marketing continue to complement each other, as well as advertising via digital channels and print advertising. These universes can hardly be imagined to remain independent of each other.

Forget for a moment the conventional wisdom that makes you think that traditional marketing has disappeared and that only digital marketing works.

If the new generation is clearly more accustomed to the media on the Internet than to those on paper, it does not prevent that your strategy must be a mix of 2 marketing to work at best. It’s like the mix between offline and online or print advertising that can not disappear.

Traditional marketing still has a bright future ahead of him

For starters, let’s take a simple look at what traditional marketing is all about. To attract customers to your company, you must offer the company an advertisement that will make a maximum of customers want to work with you.

For this your method must be relatively simple and effective: you can have at your disposal, tools that will remind you every day to your potential prospects. Obviously, this will go through advertising in newspapers, mailboxes or in the shops but also in trade shows.

By trade shows, we mean business combinations aimed at generating meetings between individuals and entrepreneurs.

In order for your presentation to work and stay in the minds of visitors, you can create objects with your logo to help the prospective prospect think about you regularly. For example, thanks to Avecvotrelogo, specialist of advertising objects, you can create personalized pens, cups or backpacks with your visual identity.

If the latter is striking and marks the visitor, you may very well be the person he will contact the day he needs a company working in the desired field.

Digital marketing, a way to reach prospects at lower cost

At the moment, it is illusory to think that one can evolve at the national level or international sales ever be present on the net. It’s important for businesses and brands not only to reach out to Internet users through email campaigns and social media ads but also to have articles created by customers.

These are the ones who can make you the best ad as the worst, so it’s up to you to always stay at the best of your level to persist in the hearts of Internet users.

Influencers will today greatly assist you, especially in the event that you represent a brand. Youtubers, bloggers, and others with a large Internet community in the field you work in can be a great help to reach as many prospects as possible in a very short time.

Combining traditional and digital, the assurance of maximum radiation

By engaging in 2 targeted marketing campaigns, you will have access to a large number of prospects who will eventually enable your business to function. We must not neglect any marketing technique, being on all fronts remains the best way to shade the competition.

In addition, note that a marketing campaign will often be less expensive than a traditional campaign, but both will offer highly complementary results.

Originally published at Entrepreneur News and Startup Guide.



Aashish Sharma

Aashish Sharma is a Founder and Blogger at https//, specializing in Social Media and Digital Marketing.