Market Research- A Complete Guide for Market Analysis in 2018

Aashish Sharma
Published in
26 min readMay 10, 2018

You launch your business or seek to develop it. Your primary challenge: find customers, again and again, seduce and satisfy them. For that, you can do market research, which is one of the essential keys to marketing.

All of these principles will be useful, but the key is knowing what your customers want.

I propose an exclusive approach to find out: Internet market analysis thanks to Google’s ultra-thin and powerful tools.

You take out hard-coded, accurate, and objective data over and over, and decode everything from your customers ‘and competitors’ behaviour. Many entrepreneurs do not insist enough on this aspect of their business plan:

they design a commercial offer, supposed to meet the expectations of their customers, without having sought to know them precisely.

As a result, they often lose the energy to try to convince people who are not looking for what they are offering. Probable failure!

Do a Market Research or Market Analysis

To project oneself in time, it is necessary to decipher the market and the competition. Without a market, no customers and therefore no business. The market study is a must for your business creation project (as well as administrative formalities such as registration in the commercial register or the company name), and this is the extent. Doing market research is identifying the information you need, finding it, analysing it and using it. Some tips and advice for doing effective market research. These tips are valid for large companies, but also for Sarl, Sas, Earl …

Studying a market means first of all understanding the environment in which you will start your business, identifying your competitors. An approach that is not always taken seriously. Do not think that because your product is entirely new, you have no competitors. It is a mistake because it is rare today to create a further need. Thus, too many people start businesses without prior market research.

A principle to remember: if you do not identify any competitor who does the same job as you, it is that you must have indirect competitors, that is to say, who meet the same needs as your offer, but with different means. In that case, To give a concrete example, at breakfast, powdered chocolate competes with different products such as yoghurt or cereals. Also, it is necessary to identify the suppliers of the market and their habits, your potential customers, or the regulation of the sector in question. The document is intended to be a theoretical study, which is then supplemented by a field study for verification.

  • Market study: what are the questions to ask?
  • What will I sell and especially to whom will I sell it?
  • What need does my offer meet?
  • How will I sell this product or service?
  • What are my direct and indirect competitors?
  • Is my market local, regional or international?
  • What are the characteristics of the purchase process of my product?
  • Where will I start my business?

But gathering the information is not easy. Finding reliable data at a lower cost remains a challenge. On the Internet, for example, you will find various organisations providing you with figures and analyses. Access to this information may be subject to payment, but not in all cases.

In addition to the data available on the web, to find specific and sectoral information, consult the trade unions, economic observatories and documentation centres of the CCIs. These last two sources are more local and in contact with the field. Know nevertheless that their wealth is uneven depending on the region and depends largely on the means at their disposal.

Do not neglect sources of information that are close at hands, such as the press or even summaries of studies that otherwise pay. And to identify your competitors, do not hesitate to consult the Yellow Pages directly.

A tip: do not hesitate to be assisted in this phase of a study. The creator often tends to retain only the positives of his research and his project and lacks objectivity and completeness. And he often does not know what to do with the information he has collected. An external and neutral view of the project helps to balance the work.

On the other hand, if you delegate the realisation of your market research, do not stay passive. In the long term, the market study must allow you to position your offer about the market, competitors and customers, but also to define your business strategy and the first actions to launch.

Market Research to Better Understand the Expectations of your Customers

How to be sure to make commercial offers that will fly then?

By conducting a preliminary market study.

You start your business, and your market research will allow you to perfectly identify your future customers: their needs, their desires, their expectations.

A must!

You are already active, but you want to get started on a new market, open a new range, launch a new product: market research will help you validate your idea, adjust your strategy. In other words, just bet.

Thanks to her, you will increase your chances of success to an extreme.

It would be a shame to do without it, right?

Market research is available to all

Contrary to what is often believed, this tool is accessible to everyone: solo entrepreneurs, as well as managers of SMEs or multinationals.

How do you conduct market research to reveal business opportunities?

It is a question that many entrepreneurs ask themselves: how to do market research to know the expectations of my clients?

It is a critical question because even if you think you know your customers well, you never do them enough. Never! The market research is the magic key that opens the door of the brain and heart of your customers.
Personally, I specialise in a particular method for market research: I make them online thanks to Google’s high-performance tools.

Advantage: we penetrate the brain of your customers with the precision of a Swiss watchmaker, without spending a lot of energy. You have the objective, quantifiable and verifiable data on your customers and then build your entire Market research strategy.

Market research: The Basis of your Success

Why does in-depth market research be so important when you get started or when you want to market a new product/service?

Quite simply, because (very) often, there is a gap between what you want to offer on the market AND what your customers want.

Indeed, entrepreneurs fly intuition without market analysis. They have “the nose” and naturally feel what to offer their prospects so that the offer seems irresistible. All the better.

But these entrepreneurs are rare, you will agree. And it is a risky game, which is not recommended to play while you can in the first place objectify exactly the expectations of your customers.

In other words, doing serious market research is one of the basics of your success, no matter how big your business is and how big your goals are.

How to do Market Research For your Business?

To start you want to do your market research plan. To know and to determine:

  1. The objective (s) that you pursue through your study: validate a new niche, survey a new clientele, etc.
  2. The type of info you are looking for on your target
  3. The methodology that you will adapt depending on the purpose of your research: will your study be more qualitative than quantitative or the reverse or both?
  4. Then, you will concretise your plan through surveys, surveys, one to one interviews, etc.
  5. Overall, all the techniques are suitable. The main thing to remember is to find the right match between:

For example, if a multinational can do an extensive quantitative study via a survey orchestrated by dozens of hostesses in the streets of Paris, a glacier in a small provincial town cannot afford it. He will have to realise his study otherwise.

It’s up to you to be imaginative and to go as straight as possible given your objective and the means at your disposal (financial, human, technological, etc.)

Market Research of The Future: By Internet

Market Research of The Future

If there is one method that works infallibly for all types of market research, no matter the industry and the size of the company, it is via the internet.

It’s still quite new, but it’s undeniably the method of the future: the market research carried out thanks to Google’s search engines.

It has many advantages:

  • she is fast
  • it is cheap compared to the results it brings because requires little means to implement
  • it results in hyper-sharp results: you know exactly what your target is looking for in your catchment area and your industry
  • it can be expanded to infinity: you can extend your search as far as you want without the need for additional resources
  • it is super reliable: no approximation because they are robots that leave you objective data without any human intervention
  • it is scalable: you can target the time you want and renew your search as many times as you want

But above all:
It is part of the most used search tool in the world today by consumers: GOOGLE.

In other words, you enter the brains of your potential customers when they research the industry that is yours.
Whether cars, baby clothes, dog accessories, techniques to overcome their fear of the plane, to find a soul mate or any other research.

Google allows you to find everything. Internet users know it and use it.

The entrepreneur who understood this and uses it to his advantage has a head start (what do I say an ocean in advance) on its competitors.

And if it was your turn today?

My method will open up an infinity of new doors and will save you years of work and therefore …. a lot of money.

Everything depends on your means but especially your goals.

There are different forms of market research, quite adaptable to your entrepreneurial reality.

Overall, there are two main categories:

  • Quantitative studies
  • Qualitative studies.

They work differently but can be likened to marketing audits because if they do not analyse the same data in your potential customers, they still have a similar purpose:

to help you better know your market or, more exactly, certain data of your market, before launching something (with the choice — you decide what you want to deepen).

Your Internet Market Research: The Secret Revealed

If you’re interested in marketing, I guess you’ll agree with me?

  • The principle of market research is not new. For a long time, successful entrepreneurs have been trying to penetrate the brains and hearts of their potential customers.
  • They know the value. Better: it cannot go without passing!
    What is against it is that Google has revolutionised the way of doing market research.

Today, thanks to Google’s tools, you can very quickly carry out a market study, complete, hyper-sharp and above all objective.

In short, a market study with guaranteed results because … robots never lie.

You can know exactly what your prospects are looking for, how they are looking for it, what expressions they use,

what questions they ask, and so on.

In other words, you put yourself in the shoes of your potential customer.

In all simplicity and security.

Few entrepreneurs still use this revolutionary technique.

5 Steps for Successful Market Research

Power Of Market Research

Before embarking on a breakthrough in creating your startup, it’s essential that you know where you’re going. It is what you will use for market research. Here are the tips for Right for Me to do it effectively.

You have a great idea, and you want to embark on an entrepreneurial adventure? It is important to carry out a market study before launching. To sell a product or service, it is necessary to know how to position oneself effectively in your market.

1) What is a market study for?
For you, future entrepreneur, it is about ensuring the viability of your project, especially financially. Indeed, it is difficult to enter an unprofitable, highly competitive or declining sector. It is, therefore, necessary to obtain a maximum of quantified data and information on the targeted sector to refine your analysis. The purpose of this study is to be unbeatable in your market to adopt the best strategy to penetrate it. Nothing must be left to chance.

2) Identify needs and target
Start by identifying what the trends in your market area. Then his size. Then, it is important to determine what are the possible evolutions, the technological advances of this market in recent years. Finally, find out about the regulations related to this market.

To better identify the target, do not hesitate to use the tool PESTEL. This tool allows to have a global vision of your environment and puts forward six broad categories: Political, Economic, Sociocultural, Technological, Ecological, and Legal.

Knowing how to identify your customers is an essential step. They are the ones who will buy your products and services. You must, therefore, determine exactly what their needs and desires are.

3) Analyze the competition
It’s important to keep in mind that you may not be the only one to have this idea. You probably have competitors. Analyzing the competition makes it possible to adapt your offer to the economic reality of the market. You must first identify current competitors but also potential competitors. Understand the strategy of each of your competitors and determine why their services or products are selling or not, and what are the flaws.

Then position your bid and try to identify what your competitive advantage would be compared to others. This step is crucial. You must stand out from the competition to have a chance to be noticed.

4) Make a complete report
This report allows you to present your project completely and convincingly. It must present the results of your field studies in a clear and concise manner to simplify the reading. It is, therefore, necessary to make a page of presentation of your project as well as a synthesis which estimates the feasibility of the project.

Then present the results of your research presented in the following way:
— The market
— Supply and demand
— Suppliers
— Opportunities and threats
— Appendices

If the result of the market study is conclusive, do not hesitate to go to the next step: the realisation of your business plan.

5) Errors to avoid
The main risk is that as an entrepreneur you only see what you want to see. Concretely, an entrepreneur who has spent a lot of time developing his technology can be convinced that it meets real needs when this is not the case. It is called the halo effect.

To avoid this, we must constantly return to what the Anglo-Saxons call the “bread”. It is the need felt by the customer, which must be sufficiently “painful” for him to move and buy your solution or product.

To evaluate this need, get out of your comfort zone and seek the opinion of actors outside their network and their immediate environment; do not hesitate to go face different looks, even to other cultures if you want to develop internationally.

Market Research for Business Creation: 6 Pitfalls to Avoid

Trap # 1: Do not do market research
This is undoubtedly the first trap you can fall into: consider that you do not need to do market research.

If you think you can do without it, let’s remember a sad reality: almost one in two companies does not pass the 5-year mark. And if we reduce this proportion to start-ups (technology companies), the failure rate then approaches 90%!

To limit the risk, from the beginning, before even developing your idea, before any first movement, it is necessary to carry out a market study of the sector that you aim at. This will allow you not to launch blindly, and advance instead of on the known ground, and especially to check that there is a business opportunity before investing time and money.

To be able to define precisely your project, you will have to gather a maximum of data on the sector and the companies of your sector.

There are some questions that you will need to answer, including:

  • What are the needs, expectations, and purchasing behaviours of my future customers?
  • What are the demographic characteristics of my target?
  • Which product (s) or service (s) will I market to meet this demand?
  • Is there a seasonality for my product?
  • By which distribution channels will I distribute my products?
  • What are the competitors’ offers? What are their business strategies?
  • How to create my competitive advantage?
  • What is the regulation in my sector of activity? What are the specific legal and tax rules that apply? What are the possible evolutions in this area?

The answers to these questions will allow you to refine your project and choose an original commercial positioning, differentiating, and above all that responds to a demand expressed by a commercial target large enough to be interesting.

Market research of a business creation should allow you first to know what are the real business prospects of your business: is it appropriate or not to launch its activity?

In a second step, it allows you to validate the adequacy of the project with the economic environment because the market study allows defining precisely your concept and your commercial positioning based on the concrete: the demand expressed and the already offered by competitors.

Your market research can then lead you to change your offer based on what you have learned from the desire of the target and the current status of the offer. The challenge: to offer better for a perfect match between your product or service and the target audience.

Trap # 2: do your market research only on the internet
As you can see, market research is a key element for the success of your business creation. It should not be rushed and realise it with the utmost seriousness.

There is a real danger in doing your study fast, only on the Internet or thinking that the INSEE statistics will bring you all the necessary material. A survey on Facebook is also not worthy of serious market research. These two elements can take place in your market research but especially never forget to multiply the sources and confront them with each other.

You can also turn to specific tools, paid or free, accessible online like Createst or Adocta. You can also choose to be accompanied in the realisation of your market research by a professional. This will, of course, depend on the budget you wish to allocate to this task.

However, never lose sight of, and this is the most important point about how to conduct market research for business creation, that you must imperatively get in touch with your future customers to understand their expectations. Meeting her target, interacting with her life, this is the heart of a market study and an essential element for the success of your project.

Trap # 3: think you’re the first to have this idea
Your idea is great, so great that no one else will have thought of it before! Think again. A great idea is most often the improvement or declination of an existing product or service.

There is therefore very likely that something similar has already been done, in France or another country. Check and, if so, do a thorough analysis of the existing offer.

If the idea worked, it’s a good sign. But for your business to be successful, you will need to understand the key success factors to be able to replicate them.

If on the other hand, the idea failed, it is more problematic, but all is not lost either. You will need to focus on understanding the reasons for this failure, so you know what to change (in the business model, the service or the product itself) for your offer to work.

Trap # 4: Ignore your ecosystem
Another trap to avoid when carrying out its market study: move quickly on the market analysis of its ecosystem. You will not only have to identify all your competitors but also consider any changes that may directly or indirectly impact your sector (regulatory change, the merger between suppliers or distribution networks, etc.).

You must ask yourself the following questions (and answer them by considering all the possibilities and your reaction to the different possible scenarios):

  • How will your competitors react to your launch?
  • Can they stop you (for example, asking for exclusivity from an indispensable supplier, or lobbying to change the laws)?
  • Can they easily copy you? Give Attention to technical constraints, the filing of the patent, etc.
  • Can they change their prices and lower them compared to yours, or align with yours? Can you support the first months of a price war?

Then ask yourself the same questions for all actors upstream and downstream of the chain:

  • Will your customers and suppliers today be your partners or competitors of tomorrow?
  • Is the regulatory environment likely to change?

This last point, often neglected, is nevertheless critical and has for example allowed Uber and other VTC to compete with taxis, Airbnb to compete with the hotel industry, or Tesla to sell its cars directly to individuals in the USA. But for how long ? Lobbying of established actors can be effective, especially when they have large financial means.

Trap # 5: Do not validate your concept
The market study for your business creation is the basis that should lead you to gather all the information on your sector of activity and to define an offer and a commercial positioning according to the demand, the existing supply and good knowledge of your ecosystem.

Market research is therefore used to build your concept, but it must also be used to validate it.

Indeed, once you have identified a business opportunity and put together a concept meeting the needs of consumers you have made 90% of the way. But it is important to return to your potential customers to verify that your offer appeals to them.

This step, often forgotten (voluntarily or not) by most entrepreneurs, is one of the main reasons for an entrepreneurial failure. The customer is, and must remain, at the centre of your project! It is from his requests that you build your offer, it is with him that you must then validate it.

Trap # 6: be afraid of being robbed of your idea
To conduct a market study, you will necessarily reveal your idea, present it to your target. However, many entrepreneurs are afraid that their idea will be stolen and think to preserve it by keeping it for them.

Too bad, you remove all opportunity to be confronted with the outside world in general and your target in particular. However, the more you talk about your idea, the more you will receive feedback, good or bad, that will help you mature your project and increase your chances of success. On the other hand, you can only clarify your idea by presenting it over and over again.

And if someone steals your idea? Keep in mind this adage: when it comes to business creation, “the idea is worthless, only execution counts”. Having the idea first, and making it mature by sharing it: you will have more information, and therefore a better understanding of the problem, which should give you a clear competitive advantage over the person who steals your idea.

And anyway, if someone wants to steal the idea, nothing prevents that person from copying you right after your launch, not to talk about your idea is therefore only delay the problem …

You have identified other pitfalls to avoid when carrying out its market study and want to talk to us about it? Are you wondering about one of the particular pitfalls reported in this article? Do not hesitate to contact us for any questions related to the creation or the takeover of a company.

10 Essential Marketing Analysis Tools for Your Business

Often, marketing efforts are inherently difficult to quantify regarding euros, revenue or impact. They tend to produce false impressions.

CEOs are demanding more and more tangible and quantifiable measures. In fact, in 2014, six in ten professionals reported increasing pressure from senior management to become more data-driven, with marketers feeling the same.

Due to the increase in demand, there has been a rapid emergence of tools, technologies and “scores” over the past year designed to help marketers measure their impact.

Of the approximately $ 6.2 billion in marketing technology transactions that occurred in 2015, more than two-thirds came from funding, acquisitions or mergers of intelligence and data-related businesses.

These investors are ready for an avalanche of cash and contracts. And rightly so. According to the Wall Street Journal, spending on marketing analysis is expected to nearly double over the next two years, with marketers replacing the “chief technology officer” as the most significant business expense.

The marketing analysis industry is still in its infancy, but the number of companies and technologies that display their data solutions is starting to grow.

They are looking for answers to their questions, such as:
• What are the analyses to follow?
• How are the technologies different?
• What is available in the market analysis software market?
• How do these technologies fit in with my current product?

To help you sort out the chaos, here is a brief overview of some of the most powerful tools of marketing analysis.



The primary purpose of Mixpanel is to track events on your website, product or mobile application. MixPanel helps you track what users are doing on your site or mobile app (Android and iOS). For events you have added to MixPanel, you will see the number, trends, users who used them and in what order.

The main features of MixPanel are funnels, A / B testing of different variations of your mobile app and tracking their results, user tracking and graphs on different trends.

MixPanel asks you to define the actions you want to follow and focus on. This can be done by adding code annotations or by using a visual selector. Once selected, the events you want to follow will be added to your dashboard, with the metrics of your choice presented.

However, one of the disadvantages of the application: it is available only in English.

MixPanel has been designed for product managers, so its features are more product-oriented than marketing-oriented. But it is also used by marketing teams, especially to identify user behaviour and optimise redirect channels.

MixPanel offers multiple price levels, segmented by the number of events tracked and the features available. The basic package starts at $ 0 a month, but this offer is insufficient and not suitable for a business, but only to test the marketing analytics tool. Beyond that, prices start at $ 1,000 or negotiate directly with their salespeople. This pricing method may not be cost-effective for many users, especially small and medium-sized businesses, who may end up paying a high price for overly full features.


Tableau is one of the most comprehensive data analysis software. Fully available in French, the software offers you to turn your data into actionable information. Like any analytics tool, has a dashboard with different graphs from your data. The interface is translated into all languages and will best fit your marketing team.
Available on Windows and Mac, the table will satisfy you. Between visual analysis, data comparison, cartography and calculation, this tool will be handy to improve the exploitation of your data and thus improve your business.

The table is useful for everyone. It is aimed at individuals and businesses. There are several tools table: Tableau desktop to access its data on PC. We advise you the professional table if you have a small business. Tableau server to install the solution table on your server or your site and finally Tableau online to access online table, directly hosted by the company. Finally, they have a particular offer company (for small businesses or SMEs), you can directly contact them for more information.

Table prices vary a lot depending on the tools. The desktop table offer will be $ 35 / month for a personal edition and $ 70 / month for a professional. They have a free 15-day trial for you to decide. Server table costs $ 35 / month and finally Tableau Online which costs $ 42 / month.

As mentioned before, they have an offer for the biggest companies, to know its price, it will be necessary to contact them.


These tools will mainly help you focus on measuring your site’s traffic and where it comes from.


Google’s basic website analytics tool, free and widely used. Google Analytics allows you to track traffic to your website, see where your visitors are coming from, how they were referred to your website, how much time they spend, and more. In addition to this, Google Analytics also has an integration with Google AdWords to help you analyse your campaign with more in-depth data.

The main disadvantage of Google Analytics is its complexity and tracking of new conversions, as well as the inability to track individual user sessions and understand how users use your site.

Google Analytics is suitable for all marketers who want to track the traffic generated by their marketing efforts. If events, conversions, growth, or sales are your primary focus, Google Analytics will not be enough for you, and you’ll probably get better results with one of the tools based on the events mentioned above.

The basic version of Google Analytics is free and contains a wide range of features that work for most businesses. There is a premium version for large companies that costs about $ 100,000 a year and increases the data analysis capabilities with the full support of Google.


An alternative to Google Analytics. Matomo tracks your visits to your website and allows you to create custom reports that segment the data by source of traffic, user geolocation, browsers and operating systems, and especially how users have engaged with your website. Piwik is renowned in Matomo in 2018.

Matomo is responsible for many features, including goals for tracking the success of your marketing campaigns, analysing overlapping pages, taking notes on data analysis, and custom variables. Matomo also offers a premium version that is a self-hosted website analytics suite specifically designed for governments and businesses that need full compliance with privacy and data property ownership. 100%.

Matomo may be suitable for individuals, small businesses, large corporations and even governments, provided basic analytical capabilities are sufficient.

Matomo has a 30-day trial offer, beyond which it will be necessary to pay. The price varies according to your company, to know more it is necessary to contact them.


Analyze your traffic from the search engines to boost your SEO and SEM traffic.


The Google Search Console allows you to analyse your organic search traffic from Google. Also called Google Webmaster Tools, it shows you which search terms direct users to your website by following their Google search and clicking an organic link to your website (which means it’s not about an ad from AdWords). The search console provides more information than just clicks. You can also see how many impressions each search term has had, its CTR, and the average position in which it has presented your website as a search result.

The Google Search Console is an excellent tool for all marketers looking to gain more search engine traffic, whether organic or paid. The data presented on the search console can be of great help in achieving this. Knowing which search terms drive traffic to your website can help you expand your SEM efforts and increase your traffic from related keywords. Of course, it can also be used to improve your content and organic traffic.

The Google Search Console can also be integrated with your Google Analytics account and view additional data.

The Google Search Console is completely free!


A marketing analytics tool that shows you what your competitors are doing online. SEMrush can help you outperform your competitors in search results and offers a simple way to monitor your competitors’ brands, social networks and more. Of course, you can also use it to keep track of your brand. A key feature of SEMrush is some analytics reporting tool that displays data about keywords used by your competitors in their AdWords campaigns, allowing you to learn more about their traffic in search engines. SEMrush also will enable you to analyse potential keywords and will enable you to evaluate if other advertisers are bidding on them and how competitive bidding is. SEMRush remains one of the most used tools for SEO and the most complete.

SEMrush can be useful for marketers who want to increase search engine traffic and spy on competitors. Using SEMrush can improve your efficiency and stop wasting time and resources on ineffective search engine strategies.

SEMrush offers three main plans and a 15-day trial. The most basic plan is the Pro with limited features for $ 99 a month. The highest plan is the “Business” for $ 399 a month, packed with all the features available. You can also take a personalised offer for your company, in this case, it will directly contact them.


Use these tools to see how users behave on your website with Heatmaps.


HotJar has some effective analytical functions such as funnel analysis, analysis of registration forms, surveys and surveys, but it is mostly recognized as a heat mapping tool.

HotJar’s heat maps can help you understand how visitors to your website interact with your website, how they scroll, and where they click. For example, if you download a new landing page and you do not know its performance yet, with HotJar, you can easily understand how the users who land on this page interact with it, where they are confused, and what makes them convert (or do not turn).

Hotjar is a perfect choice for new websites or those that change frequently. HotJar can help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your web pages without waiting for solid data to understand them.

The price range of HotJar varies according to the number of pages viewed analysed. Prices range from $ 89 per month for 20,000-page views per day to $ 989 per month for 800,000-page views per day, with even higher custom rates for heavier users.


A Heatmap tool that helps you understand how your website design affects your conversions. Crazyegg allows you to see exactly what people are doing on your site. It shows you where they click, how many scrolls through your pages and where they stop. This valuable user behaviour data can help you optimise your website to achieve the best variations that serve your purpose.

Data on Crazyegg can also be segmented, allowing you to see how users from different sources behave and create a custom page for them.

Crazyegg is a handy tool for new or changing websites frequently. Like HotJar, Crazyegg can help you understand how your visitors behave and how they use your site or product.

Prices range from $ 9 a month for the basic package with insufficient capacity to $ 99 a month for the Pro package that gives you everything Crazyegg has to offer.


Create multiple variations for A / B testing to increase the number of conversions.


Optimizely allows you to test different variations of any page or element of your website or product and measure their results so you can decide which variety is best for achieving your goals. Experiments can be textual or visual, and it’s very easy to completely change the design of your pages without changing your code.

For example, you can run a test on your homepage and edit the main text, so that the first variation includes an individual title while the second variation has a different title. Now, define what you optimise for, such as an inscription, download, your desired achievement on this page, to allow Optimizely to measure how each of the variations managed to achieve that goal.

Optimizely also offers integrations with other marketing analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Bizble and ClickTale. These integrations allow you to track the results of your Optimizely experiences in different dashboards as well as other data segmentation.

Optimizely is a useful tool for the marketer who cares about the performance of his website and the results of online marketing. Optimizely A / B testing capabilities can quickly tell you how to better convert users along your sales funnel and possibly increase your ROI.

The optimal pricing is based on the number of impressions you activate your tests on. Several price ranges exist depending on your traffic needs. For example, by paying $ 100 a month, you will be able to test about 2,000 impressions. The free trial period allows you to check its effectiveness.


A tool was very similar to Optimizely. VWO is the Visual Website Optimizer, and that’s what it does. This A / B test tool allows you to create variations of your web pages, and to evaluate which of these variations is best used to get users to take the desired actions such as registration, download, subscription etc.

VWO offers a visual editor that allows you to create visible changes and test them against each other quickly. Of course, changes can also be simple as another call to action on a button. For example, use “Register” in a variant and test it against “Create an account”. The variation that will best convert is your winner and the one you should use, then test the third variation. On top of that, VWO offers a Heatmap, so you can understand what catches your users’ attention and see where they click.

Any website owner can use this tool, especially digital marketers who send traffic to landing pages and can handle anything that will help increase conversion rates.

VWO offers a standard plan to optimise up to 10,000 visits for $ 59 a month. Their highest plan of $ 155 will allow you to optimise up to 30,000 visitors.


All the marketing analysis tools on offer are used to improve your product or your website. However, be careful not to get lost in all these data. Remember that the main objective is to increase your market share and the number of sales, so you have to target which data is used.

Originally published at Entrepreneur News and Startup Guide.



Aashish Sharma

Aashish Sharma is a Founder and Blogger at https//, specializing in Social Media and Digital Marketing.