Services You Should Be Outsourcing As Soon As You Startup

Aashish Sharma
Published in
3 min readApr 14, 2016

Outsourcing is a simple way to make sure that your business is saving as much as possible in as many ways as you can. You should be looking into this possibility as soon as or even before, your company opens the doors. Outsourcing has received a bad reputation in the media and is often seen negatively in the eyes of the public. Mainly, outsourcing has been linked to the idea of the local population losing jobs. But these days, that’s just not the case. An outsourcing business could be in another country or it might be just down the road. The fact is that outsourcing is the best way to cut costs and keep the doors of your business open. Here are some parts of your business that you should consider outsourcing right now.



Marketing, in particular, online promotion, is expensive. There’s a fallacy that marketing online is cheap or even free but it’s just not the case. In fact, it’s true to say that if you don’t outsource marketing could be the most expensive part of your business. You will always need marketing and promotion for your company. Without it, customers are going to forget that your business even exists. This is one of the reasons why you should outsource. By outsourcing, you’ll get constant marketing for your business at an affordable rate. You won’t have to hire a full team of marketing staff for your company to stay afloat.

There’s another benefit to outsourcing marketing as well. Through outsourcing, you can get a professional marketing service that simply can’t be beaten. You’ll be able to hire experts that you wouldn’t be able to afford on the payroll. Of course, marketing isn’t the only service you should consider outsourcing in your business.

IT Support

IT Support

It support is another service that’s going to cost a fortune for your business. If you hire a full team of IT staff, then you’re looking at a sizeable chunk of spending in this area. This is due to the fact that IT staff are highly sought after these days. So, the best workers can essentially, name their price. But if you are using managed IT services you’ll get a full team of professional staff at your beck. Though they won’t be on the payroll, they’ll be available 24/7. This means that if there is a problem with your IT network, it will be resolved in minutes. These days businesses are relying on IT to stay up and running. If it does crash, recovery can take days. But with outsourced IT services, you’ll be back up and running in just minutes.

Customer Service

Customer Service

Lastly, every company needs a customer service team. But the dirty secret is that most of this time, this full-time hire group of staff is sitting around doing nothing. It’s only occasionally that a customer service team starts to feel the strain. So, rather than paying for these workers to do nothing, hire an outsourced call handling team. They can handle your call and even use automated software to cheapen the cost for you.

Originally published at Entrepreneur News and Startup Guide.



Aashish Sharma

Aashish Sharma is a Founder and Blogger at https//, specializing in Social Media and Digital Marketing.