The Importance Of Having Motivated Employees To Have Satisfied Customers

Aashish Sharma
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2018

Employee investment has a direct impact on customer satisfaction, and vice versa.

The link between employee and customer satisfaction is indisputable. Happy employees do not just mean that these employees have morale but that they will be more efficient and more applied. According to a recent Gallup study, employee disengagement costs US industry more than $ 300 billion a year. Another study shows that 72% of motivated employees believe they can positively influence customer service. This study aimed to determine the impact of motivated employees on customer satisfaction:

  • First, the level of employee engagement has an impact on the satisfaction of the services provided to clients. With each two-point increase in employee motivation, customer satisfaction increases by one point.
  • Secondly, roughly 20% of the variations on the satisfaction score are related to changes in employee scores.

In the study, Gallup quotes Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric, as saying: “ Any company that has engaged in competition with its competitors must find a way to capture the spirit of each of its employees”. Gallup believes that this is especially true for service companies where almost all the value of a business is done on each of its employees. A model employee will answer affirmatively to the study. These questions show a correlation of employee attitudes with five outcome measures: retention, productivity, customer satisfaction, security, and profitability.

What studies show, you and I can witness it in everyday life. Who has not had a bad experience in a restaurant where a waiter was slow to take your order? Its behavior affects your perception of the restaurant but it also affects your appreciation of the dishes served to you and leads quickly to your dissatisfaction.

And this is true for any sector of the industry, be it telecommunications, financial services or supermarkets: infidelity becomes both easier and more tempting thanks to new offers constantly proposed. But in the end, today no business can afford the luxury of losing customers, especially because of the poor performance of its employees. So what answer to give to this problem?

An essential factor of success is a cultural change: it is the Voice of the Customer. Most of the time, businesses have the primary goal of improving the quality of their relationships with their customers.

So that our customers can do it, Customer Transformation “always recommends refocusing and energizing front-line teams with increased commitment and buy-in, which helps them understand and believe in what the company is trying to achieve through this commitment across the board. customer experience improves.

Originally published at Entrepreneur News and Startup Guide.



Aashish Sharma

Aashish Sharma is a Founder and Blogger at https//, specializing in Social Media and Digital Marketing.