The Perfect Pitch: Tips on How to Present Your Ideas

Aashish Sharma
Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2018

Turning a simple idea into a fully-detailed concept is a challenge on its own. Presenting that idea to others and making sure the audience is engaged with the idea is even more challenging. However, knowing how to pitch ideas and present concepts effectively is a crucial skill to have in today’s business landscape.

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Whether you are pitching a new concept to a potential client or bringing a new business idea to investors, there are approaches you can take to make the actual presentation as appealing as it can get. That is why we are going to review the best tips on how to present your ideas in this article. Let’s get started, shall we?

Know the Audience

The first — and perhaps the most important — thing you need to do before creating a PowerPoint presentation and bringing your ideas to others is actually understanding the audience. The more you know about the audience, the better you can prepare for the presentation.

Find out more about the people you’ll be communicating with. Thanks to the internet and social media, you can learn more about others from their online presence. As you dig deeper and learn more about the audience, you will find ways to fine-tune your presentation to suit them better.

Stick with the Idea

It is easy to get carried away when constructing a presentation for an audience. The tempting thing to do is add as many details as possible. That, however, isn’t always the best thing to do.

Rather than trying to cram a lot of details into a short presentation, your focus should be on the main idea and how you can present it clearly. Limit the scope of your presentation and let the audience ask for more at the end of the pitch.

Prepare Yourself

The presentation deck isn’t the only thing you need to prepare before a big pitch. For the presentation to be perfect, you also need to prepare yourself.

A lot of business owners now hire an executive presentation coach and train to be a better communicator. With the market as competitive as it is today, sharpening your communication skills is essential.

You also need to prepare yourself mentally. Make sure you can walk into a room and start your presentation calmly every time you have a pitch to do.

Keep It Simple

Forget about using complex sentences and big words to impress your audience. The best presentation is one that everyone can understand easily. Keep your sentences short and use simple words to really show what you can do.

The use of simple words and short sentences are signs that you really know what you are talking about. Even better, they are signs that you are communicating your idea in the best way possible.

Besides, your audience will appreciate being able to understand what you convey without having to think twice about big words. This is how you really get the audience excited about your ideas.

Now that you have these top tips in mind, staging the perfect pitch should not be difficult at all. Prepare yourself better, learn how to present your ideas effectively, and there will be no presentation that you cannot handle.

Originally published at Entrepreneur News and Startup Guide.



Aashish Sharma

Aashish Sharma is a Founder and Blogger at https//, specializing in Social Media and Digital Marketing.