Your 2022 Social Media Strategy In 5 Points

Aashish Sharma
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2022

2022, here we come! What does this new year have in store for us on social networks? Where should we focus our attention and where should we focus our efforts?

Here is some information to keep in mind to build your social media strategy for the coming year!

1. Unlock an advertising budget

Admittedly, advertising on social networks is nothing new. In contrast, as Hootsuite’s 2022 Social Media Megatrends Report highlights, many advertisers have noticed a real decline in the organic reach of their content (especially on Facebook and Instagram).

To reach people, you will therefore have to take out your wallet to create Ads campaigns (= paid advertising) on ​​the platforms you invest in. If the budget is not there, then bet on the boost of your best content.

2. Bet on unsaturated platforms

Unlike the networks of the Meta Group (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), some platforms are not yet saturated and are — for now — booming. You may have them in mind: TikTok, Pinterest, or even Snapchat, where reach and other interaction rates are recording record performances.

Why? 🧐

Are you tired of intrusive and impersonal ads on Facebook and Instagram? Do you have the answer? Platforms like TikTok or Pinterest encourage brands to create dynamic and inspiring content, in line with their codes: “Stop interrupting, start inspiring”.

The Hootsuite report underscores this again very well:

“No one wants to be interrupted by brands that have put in the minimum effort in their online advertisements. Consumers are much more receptive to brands on social media who understand this. Consumers demand superior creativity from brands and also reward those who rise to this challenge. Brands that want to shine in 2022 will need to create ads that reflect and enrich the specific experience of each social network. »

3. Don’t underestimate the power of community

All great trends are born in the heart of communities … And these are the key to a soaring interaction rate. Concentrate your efforts on the federation of a committed community, which will be your best asset.

If you are struggling to build it on social networks, two options are available to you:

  • Rather than pulling out the oars (understand allocating astronomical budgets for little results), bet on the community of others: influencers and other content creators will be your best allies.
  • Imagine your own platforms and create, in a way, your own social network: internal social networks, forums, newsletters… You will thus extend the customer experience of your users.

4. Think inclusive

The subject is not new and promises more and more scope (and that’s good!).

As a brand, you have responsibilities and also reflect the society in which we live. Commitments, actions, culture… Integrate inclusivity into your speeches and your advertisements.

In addition to reflecting a real desire to raise awareness, your brand will only be better perceived.

5. Keep offering audio

After the explosion of podcasts, which by the way still work just as well, it’s time for audio platforms: ClubHouse and Twitter Spaces have understood this well.

Brands speak up in the truest sense of the word and seek to position themselves as opinion leaders on the subjects that concern them (remember, inspire rather than sell). Why not you?

Is your brand a brand for 2022? We yes!

Originally published at Entrepreneur News and Startup Guide.



Aashish Sharma

Aashish Sharma is a Founder and Blogger at https//, specializing in Social Media and Digital Marketing.