Mindset to succeed as an entrepreneur

Published in
1 min readSep 25, 2019

Focus on aggressive goals. — This will have you go after the largest market, solving the hardest problems and taking some risks. Regardless of whether you achieve those goals, setting them so high gives you the largest chance of some form of success and will make it hard for more tepid competitors to keep up with you.

Focus on the long term. — It’s impossible to dominate in 3 months. However, you can beat a competitor in 3 months. Keeping your focus on total market victory will force you to think long term which is how you will win.

Focus on quality. — You can’t win if you’re not the best product, service, experience, etc. Just being better than your competitors cannot be good enough, you need to be so much better that the gap is staggering.

Credits to SEAN Byrnes

