Mya Baker: Amplifying Voices Through Film and Fashion

Kyrus Agency
Kyrus Entrepreneurs
2 min readJun 11, 2024


Mya Baker, Shoot Films Not People

Amplifying Voices Through Film and Fashion

Mya Baker, a CEO, writer, director, and producer, uses the powerful mediums of film and fashion to amplify the voices of those impacted by gun violence. Her work not only raises awareness but also transforms viewers into advocates for social change. Born and raised on the south side of Chicago and a graduate of Columbia College, Mya has already made significant strides in the film industry with several award-winning documentaries under her belt.

A Call to Action in National Gun Violence Awareness Month

During June, National Gun Violence Awareness Month, Mya is rallying artists, activists, and concerned citizens to support the post-production of her short film, Finals. This project needs an additional $15,000 to compensate the talented actors and editors involved. With only 13 days left in her Kickstarter campaign, she urges everyone to contribute and help bring this crucial story to life. Supporters can enjoy perks such as receiving an Executive Producer credit and early access to the film.

The Story Behind Finals

Finals delves into the tragic aftermath of a school shooting, exploring the deep psychological impacts on the protagonist, Sullivan Lands. The film portrays Sullivan’s journey through isolation and despair, highlighting the missed signs of his distress and the systemic failures that led to tragedy. Mya’s goal is to spark dialogues that can lead to policy changes and prevent future incidents.

Overcoming Personal and Professional Challenges

Mya’s journey has not been without its hardships. Losing both parents by the age of thirty and raising a child as a single parent, she has faced significant personal challenges. Professionally, funding her projects has been a constant battle, involving personal savings, student loans, grants, and crowdfunding. Despite these obstacles, her passion for storytelling has driven her to achieve remarkable success in the film industry.

Join the Movement: Wear Orange

This June, wearing orange symbolizes solidarity against gun violence. Mya Baker’s campaign offers a meaningful way for everyone to get involved, regardless of their direct experience with gun violence. By supporting the Finals film, contributors can take a stand and make a difference during National Gun Violence Awareness Month.

Learn more and support the project on Kickstarter at Finals Film Kickstarter. Explore Mya’s unique fashion line dedicated to this cause at Shoot Films Not People Store. Follow the journey on Instagram at shootfilmsnotpeeps and finalsfilm.



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