Basic Dutch Course…

…and then werewolves

Entropic Narratives
Entropic Narratives
4 min readJun 6, 2024


As usual, we add layers of entropy — using various techniques — to an already bizarre story, which is layer 0. Enjoy!

Layer 0

This afternoon, we had a bizarre class: we learned about the extension of life through running and counting. The people who found themselves in this difficult situation were the teacher and the students. They felt like smelling nice, so that people want to meet them.

The teacher said something about this, and did a somersault under the table, so that the students will worship the teacher. The resulting book was entitled ‘Basic Dutch Course’. It was very good because of the ignorance of all living things.

The next night everyone had an exam on the spread of disease. All eyes glittered with boredom. Fortunately, the lesson was enhanced by thinking about game rules and diseases. There was a break and everyone refreshed themselves with fish sauce, which makes you want to throw up when you smell it. There was something in it: the blackboard.

Eyes glittering with boredom — fortunately, there are always game rules and diseases to keep us occupied

Then the break was over and the teacher was finally released from his suffering. The theme of the party was: the conjugation of the verb ‘to be’ and ‘to sleep’.

The werewolves who had been hiding underground all the time now woke up, and everyone asked them a linguistic question, namely: “Why didn’t you tell us about the book?” While waiting for an answer, everyone looked at the teacher, who said: “This is what someone is saying.”

The werewolves were hungry and prepared to eat everyone. But they were stopped by the sudden lifting of gravity. The moral of all this is that it’s a good thing to always have this in your pocket: an ant.

Layer 1

In the afternoon we had this wonderful lesson: we learned to prolong life by running and counting. The persons who found themselves in this difficult situation were the teacher and the students. They felt that they smelled good so that someone would want to meet them.

The teacher said something about this, and he did a somersault under the table, so that the students worshiped the teacher. The book that followed was entitled ‘The Dutch Course’. It was for the best through the ignorance of all living.

The next night everyone was examined for the common disease. Tired eyes glint. Fortunately, thinking about the rules and weaknesses clarified the lesson.

There was a break and everyone refreshed themselves with fish sauce, which you vomit when you smell it. There was something in that file. Then there was a pause and the teacher was finally freed from his passion. The theme of the party was: the conjugation of the word ‘be’ and ‘sleep’.

The wolves who had been hiding underground were now awakened and everyone asked them a linguistic question, namely: “Why didn’t you tell us about the book?” Waiting for an answer, they all looked at the teacher, who said: “Someone is saying this.”

The wolves were hungry and ready to eat everything, but they were interrupted by the sudden severity of the cancellation. This is the whole moral of what is good to always have in your pocket: the ant.

A content and relieved person with an ant in their pocket — this could be you, you know

Layer 2

We had a great afternoon class where we learned how to enrich our lives through running and reading. Teachers and students are at risk. They think they are good for people to see.

After saying a few words, the teacher jumped under the table and asked the students to say hello. The next book is ‘Dutch Studies’. It’s better because he doesn’t know everything.

My medical examination was in the evening. Your tired eyes will be brighter. Fortunately, this research is defined with rules and limitations. After a short rest the fish sauce was very tasty and everything was strong. There is something in the library.

After a break, the teacher took his meal. The theme of the meeting was combining the words ‘life’ and ‘dreams’.

When the wolves came out of their hiding place, they all asked verbal questions. “Why are you telling me about that book?” Without waiting for an answer, they all looked at the teacher and said: “Someone told me.”

The wolves were so hungry that they ate something, but their sudden retreat caused them to fall down. It’s the kind of alcohol you can keep in your wallet.

Werewolves falling by their sudden retreat

Do you also just want to be silly and make your own entropic narratives? Join our publication! We’re actively looking for new writers!

A special thanks to ChatGPT 4o, its data, and the existence of everything in existence for making these images possible. Also, thank you for reading!



Entropic Narratives
Entropic Narratives

We are at the limits of narratives, all falling apart in entropy.