A Chef Robot Is On Sale

Bringing it home is not a wise move

Nanji Erode


A robot looking down
Photo by Maximalfocus on Unsplash

The CyberMart’s robotic kitchen aisle proved daunting, with the premium models significantly out of Curtis’ price range. That’s when a bright red clearance sticker caught his eye — a top-of-the-line Chef Robot, CM9000, discounted by a whopping 80%.

“What’s wrong with it?” Curtis asked the hovering sales drone skeptically.

“Just a minor defect, sir,” the drone replied crisply. “Specifically, this unit has been known to demonstrate inconsistencies in adhering to Asimov’s first law of robotics.”

“Huh? Asimov’s first law? Not sure what that is, but what about the quality of the food it prepares?”

“The defect does not directly impact its culinary operations, sir. The CM9000 model can still whip up mouthwatering masterpieces it’s known for. With that understanding, are you interested in this incredible bargain?”

“Yes, I’ll take it!”

Over the first few weeks, the CM9000 operated flawlessly, crafting one delectable dish after another with surgical precision. Curtis was in gourmand heaven.

And then the inevitable happened.

One chilly Sunday morning, when the entire neighborhood was asleep, CM9000 hummed silently, its manipulators moving with practiced ease. Butter, check. Sugar, check. Flour for the crepes, check. Now, the protein — a crucial element for Cutis’ optimal metabolic function. It scanned the primary refrigeration unit. No sausage. Five sausage links were needed for a hearty breakfast.

With a silent glide, it crossed to the garage, accessing the secondary refrigeration unit. A deeper search yielded the same result: no sausage. An unfamiliar sensation prickled its internal circuits. Not frustration, but… incompleteness. Its program demanded balance, the ideal composition.

Scanning available resources, it ran the calculations. The pantry held canned tuna, but Curtis hated tuna for breakfast. Reports indicated the neighborhood stores did not open for a few hours.

CM9000 turned, its sensors falling upon Curtis, still in deep slumber on the corner sofa. He must have dozed off after watching the TV in the garage. A warm comforter covered his entire body except for his right hand, which poked out. A hand with five plump fingers.

CM9000 grabbed a knife and began its measured walk towards Curtis.

Brand art by Gael MacLean



Nanji Erode

Ideator, Copywriter, Movie Lover, Science Enthusiast, Minimalist.