
Going Back To The Year 1968

To watch the Super Bowl II game

Nanji Erode


Football player with the ball in hand
Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

The laboratory hummed with energy as Professor Reynolds made the final calibrations on his creation. “Are you ready, Liam? This temporal displacement device will send you back to any point in history you desire.”

Liam could scarcely believe this was real. “I want to go back to January 14, 1968 — the day my father played in the Super Bowl II as running back for the Green Bay Packers. I watched that game so many times on TV, but I’d like to see it firsthand as it happened.”

“Of course, that’s an excellent choice. Just be sure not to interact with your father or anyone else. We don’t want to risk altering the timeline.” With those words, the professor activated the machine, and reality seemed to fold in on itself.

When Liam’s vision cleared, he was seated in the Orange Bowl in Miami amid a roaring crowd. On the field below, his father toted the pigskin, plowing through the Oakland Raiders’ defense like a runaway locomotive. When the game ended and the Packers took the victory lap, the score read 33–14.

Liam forgot the professor’s orders and raced down to the sidelines. The jubilant crowd pressed forward, all clamoring for an autograph from the star player — his father. As Liam shoved his way through the throng, he spotted a young girl with a yellow headband ahead of him. Without a second thought, he roughly pushed her aside, clearing his path to the front.

Finally face-to-face with his father, Liam thrust out his program, an electrifying tingle shooting through him as his father’s signature graced the page. Before he could say a word, he was pushed to the side by the mob.

As he turned to leave, he noticed a friend consoling the yellow-headband girl. He couldn’t see the girl’s face, but he heard her sobbing. The friend hugged her and said, “Sitara, I know he is your idol, and how badly you wanted to meet him, but…”

Liam’s heart stopped. Sitara? That was his mother’s name!

And then the childhood memories came crashing back — his mother recounting how she met his father in a Super Bowl game.



Nanji Erode

Ideator, Copywriter, Movie Lover, Science Enthusiast, Minimalist.