[Notice]Listing Announcement

Entropy Network
Entropy Network
Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2023

Entropy(ENT) will be listed on a global digital asset trading platform, LBANK Exchange on February 16, 2023. For all users, the ENT/USDT trading pair will be officially available for trading at 8:00 UTC on February 16, 2023.

About ENT

ENT is the native coin of Entropy blockchain network. When a block is created in the Entropy, a block reward is given according to the verification. Block compensation is set to reward 0.2 ENTs per node. In addition to basic block compensation, an additional 10% of transaction fees incurred during transaction processing will be added up and rewarded. For the remaining 90% of the transaction fee, it will serve to maintain the value of the Entropy coin through self-incineration.

In addition to the block compensation volume, Entropy coins require a basic volume for listing on the exchange and supplying liquidity, and for this purpose, 2,100,000 ENTs are initially issued. There is no additional issuance of Entropy coins other than the pre-minting volume and the block compensation volume. The issuance rate of coins for all Entropy is 3.84% for pre-minting and 96% for block verification rewards.

Deposit time: 15th Feb 8am UTC
Trading start: 16th Feb 8am UTC
Withdrawal time: 17th Feb 8am UTC

LBANK Listing Info: https://support.lbank.site/hc/en-gb/articles/15386500072217

Learn More about ENT:

Official Website: https://entropynetwork.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Entropy_Network
Discord: https://discord.gg/5Q5t25sBfZ
Medium: https://medium.com/entropy-network

