What is Entropy #3

Entropy services includes Bridge Chain, Entropy Scan, Marketplace and Entropy Launcher.

Entropy Network
Entropy Network
3 min readFeb 13, 2023


In #3, the last part of the basic introduction to Entropy, the following will be introduced.

1)Entropy Bridge Chain
2)Entropy Scan
3)Entropy Blockchain
4)Entropy Marketplace
5)Entropy Launcher

1. Entropy Bridge Chain

Entropy also provides bridge chains so that assets of external public blockchain with versatility can be used within our blockchain. The bridge chain supports various coins and tokens commonly used in public chains within the entropy blockchain. In particular, it supports the use and withdrawal of Ethereum-based coins/tokens and BSC-based coins/tokens, which have the most diverse token series, through entropy’s bridge chain. This will help expand and circulate the value of blockchain assets over a broader range, creating an influx of more blockchain users from outside.

External tokens flowing through the bridge chain are locked and minted with the same quantity of wrapped tokens within the entropy, in which verification is carried out through the verifier of the bridge chain. The verifier of the bridge chain exists separately from the 21 validators of entropy, and it mainly verifies the deposit and withdrawal of external assets. On the contrary, Wrapped Token, which is withdrawn to the external blockchain, is verified through a validator and then burned within the entropy. The previously locked token is released and sent to the outside.

Service Link: bridge.entropynetwork.io

2. Entropy Scan

All transactions processed within the Entropy and the contract executed are disclosed through Entropy Scan. Users can view the data processed by the service at any time and the blocks validated by the validator.

Service Link: https://www.entropyscan.io

3. Entropy Blockchain Wallet

The Entropy wallet can contain various coins, tokens, and blockchain assets that support linkage with services that require wallet access, such as the marketplace in-game.
The Entropy wallet supports most of the features of the long-standing Universal Extension Wallet, plus an improved user experience to make it easier to use when using the service.

Service Date: TBD

4. Entropy Blockchain Wallet

The Entropy marketplace is available through the Entropy account and entropy wallet linkage. Various blockchain assets can be traded within an integrated channel, and assets can be displayed and found in independent service categories.

Service Date: TBD

5. Entropy Launcher

Entropy offers a game launcher for quick game execution. Launching the launcher makes accessing various NFT games onboarded within the Entropy easy. In addition, users who are uncomfortable or unable to use the mobile environment for various reasons will be able to enjoy NFT games through PC-based entropy launchers conveniently. In addition to the basic functionality of game updates and execution, Entropy Launcher will configure blockchain services to be available immediately within the launcher through continuous updates.

Service Date: TBD

We welcome everyone to provide input and join our Entropy community. We are looking for not only validators, but also, users, projects and creators who can achieve the same goal as us.

Come and build with us together!

Learn More about ENT:

Official Website: https://entropynetwork.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Entropy_Network
Discord: https://discord.gg/5Q5t25sBfZ
Medium: https://medium.com/entropy-network

