Best Freelancer’s Social Media Kit 💻

Anywhere can be a workspace and especially for freelancers on-the-go, but what tech makes life easy for someone who may not always be in the office? Here is a selection of my best creative tech to draft and publish content.

John Hunter
Entrusted Content


We are living in tough times as marketers, here is my guide to the best tech/software for a social media freelancer on the go! If you are interested in more around my home setup, jump over and read my blog on my Perfect Desk Setup.

Tech kit 📱

📲iPhone 11 Pro

Photo by Jonas Leupe on Unsplash

The debate around android vs iOS is never ending, but depending on your disposition, the iPhone 11 Pro has such an amazing camera. Sure people can argue that the Ultra is better and it may be. But for low light and natural shots you cannot beat the 11 Pro, the Samsung’s images are not as natural and if you want that bold effect you can create this in Lightroom, but it’s harder to go the other way. It is such a powerful phone too, I have found that there is nothing it cannot do. From editing photos…



John Hunter
Entrusted Content

Director at Entrusted Content providing digital and social media content consultancy services. Creative geek, all views are my own (Geordie born).