Hunter’s Top Social Media Marketing 2020 Trends Recap ♻️

How many social media marketing trends did I get right at the beginning of 2020 in a year that none of us could have foreseen?

John Hunter
Entrusted Content


My top 2020 trends 2021 recap

As I look back on a very strange year in Digital and Social Media Marketing I find myself wondering how we managed to survive. But I know a few people who have succeeded in turning such a bad situation into a positive and really started to deliver great social media, brand presence and support for their customers.

Let’s have a look to see how many of my social media trends predications actually came true and if you want to read the original Hunter’s 2020 top 6 social media trends 🚀 blog click here.

I was very happy with the results of digital ad-spend and also the nano-influencers. Read more below to find out exactly what happened.

Also I will be soon writing my 2021 social media trend predictions, so wish me luck!

The Top 6 2020 Predictions

  1. The death of the like! 💀
  2. The rise of the under-dog 🐶
  3. Meaningful communication 💞
  4. Communities and nano-influencers 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
  5. More fake news and political…



John Hunter
Entrusted Content

Director at Entrusted Content providing digital and social media content consultancy services. Creative geek, all views are my own (Geordie born).