“Hi! My name is Andrew! How can I help you?”

Published in
3 min readMay 5, 2021
I ❤️ TACoS (Terraform Automation & Collaboration Software)

Hello! My name is Andrew, and people call me AWay! I’m a sales engineer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. I’m super excited to announce that I’m joining env0 as their first technical sales person. I want to take this opportunity to tell you why I joined, how I got into sales, and my personal mission.

Who is env0?

env0 is seeking to empower developers to manage their own infrastructure and deployments, and provide them an easy way to track those resources, and create guardrails with policies. env0 does this by automating your Terraform scripts with integrations with the Open Policy Agent, RBAC, cost analysis and automated triggers with your git repo. To learn more check out this page on “the env0 Advantage”

Why join env0?

I’ve been selling developer tools over the past decade. And the common theme has always been, how can we help give developers more… more control, more power, more time, more safety, etc. All in an effort to help them be more productive and make them deliver value for the organization faster and safer.

env0 does exactly this, with a focus on where it all starts, infrastructure. And they’ve started with the tool where I’ve seen nearly all my customers use: Hashicorp Terraform. So the company’s purpose, mission resonates extremely well with me and my experience.

Personally, this is also the opportunity for me to be the first sales hire. I have the chance to help shape the process and culture, utilizing my experience from three different orgs to help this seed-stage company!

How did I get into Sales?

I graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and slowly discovered that I wasn’t going to stay a developer forever. After working in several different roles, I never thought I would be a sales person. In fact, it took me almost a year in the role to be comfortable telling people I was in sales!

I first learned about technical sales from my late-professor at Santa Clara University, Stephen Corio. He opened my eyes to what is now widely known as Solution Sales. A seller didn’t have to be pushy; a good seller knew how to ask the right questions. That’s when I decided to try to apply for a sales role.

Then, in my first sales role, I was lucky to work under Stephanie Friedman at Xamarin! She taught me the importance of being customer centric, and providing value to the customer in every interaction! I was the second sales hire and helped grow the team to 50+ sellers.

With Armory, I was able to develop technical expertise in DevOps, having worked with nearly all parts of the CI/CD process and deeply with AWS and Kubernetes. With all these experiences combined, I feel I am uniquely qualified for this role at env0.

My personal mission

What I’ve discovered over the past ten years in sales is the importance of this one word, “help.” Help the customer solve their problem, help anticipate their challenges, and most importantly help them feel heard. The opportunity to apply my technical experience and creatively solve customer problems brings me so much fulfillment. This word has subsequently turned into my own personal mission.

So, if you are chatting / emailing / talking to me in the future: “Hi! My name is Andrew! How can I help you?”

