Critical mass already achieved? | World Summit | Project Sanity Radio - New Zealand

Gabor Kiss
ENVIENTA Open Source Everything
1 min readMar 1, 2018

Project Sanity host Scott Andrew is joined by representatives from four different organisations advocating the installation of a new life-grounded socioeconomic paradigm for an update on the upcoming global World Summit event.

Pushing forward for an exponential breakthrough of global unification and global empathy towards a social transformation out of our current life-blind self-terminating socioeconomic system, we discuss the mini-summit held in Mexico in January 2018 and the core common ground arrived at; the social dis-ease necessitating and supporting this social transformation; what we can expect as we move forward and how we can work together to manifest the main World Summit event into existence.

Critical mass already achieved? | World Summit | Project Sanity Radio — New Zealand

Jenny Chung - The Venus Project.
Gabor Kiss - ENVIENTA Open Source Everything.
Charlotte Wenner - Moving Forward — RBE Learning Network.
Robert Schram - United Earth.

Critical mass already achieved? | World Summit | Project Sanity Radio — New Zealand

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