ENVIENTA Hungary Association

Hungarian members of ENVIENTA met on December 17th at the Anker Club in Budapest, where plans for Hungary in 2018 were introduced.

Gabriel Varaljay
ENVIENTA Open Source Everything
2 min readDec 19, 2017


Our home association will shortly be registered, followed by the opening of the first ENVIENTA makerspace in Hungary, which is the venue for meetings, workshops and our educational program alongside for workshop.

To increase our efficiency, we will launch several online platforms in 2018, enabling cross-border international collaboration and providing access to our partners with access to our global innovation program included.

Next time you can find us in Mexico during the World Summit. ENVIENTA is one of the eight organizations that have set up a joint venture between North and South America and European social initiatives.

ENVIENTA continues to welcome its new enthusiasts as a community initiative.

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Gabriel Varaljay
ENVIENTA Open Source Everything

Multi-Cloud & DevOps | AWS | Microsoft Azure | Google Cloud | Oracle Cloud | Linux | Terraform | digital problem solver