ENVIENTA, the produce-everything global company

Laszlo Fazekas
ENVIENTA Open Source Everything
3 min readOct 17, 2017


We are always in trouble when we have to explain what is ENVIENTA in one sentence. We have written about a self-sustaining park built from container houses at the Canary Islands, or about the development of a support platform for open source hardware like you can find on Kickstarter, and also about the decentralized manufacturing. But how should we summarize all these things in one sentence, or why are we collecting money through our ICO campaign?

I came across with a post on Facebook, and I’m thinking about of the following definition: ENVIENTA is a produce-everything global company that creates products which is available for everyone. I would point out the word “available” because we are not just thinking about the global accessibility but also the distribution and/or the further development of these products are not restricted by patents and other legal obstacles. That’s exactly what makes this structure work, even if it sounds so exorbitant at first. Especially if we think about the relatively small amount of money what we need for our ambitious goals.

Recently I read two article about IKEA, which confirmed that we are moving in the right direction. One of them was about IKEA’s acquisition of TaskRabbit startup, a sharing economy solution like Airbnb or Uber, where you can hire a workforce: anyone can sign up to assemble IKEA’s furniture, so if you have a problem like this, you can easily find the right people near you.

Decentralized sales

IKEA, therefore, instead of maintaining a complete fleet of assembly people, they just bought a marketplace where there is a solution for that. Decentralized assembly! After this article a new one came soon: instead of building their own webshop, they would allow other webshops to sell their products. Decentralized sales!

At this point, the direction and the genius of thought are well-evident. In fact, with a minimum investment, the company came to an endlessly scalable global assembly and sales network. To a network that other companies could accomplish with hard work of long years and huge financial investment. The keyword is decentralization! The same mechanism just like the incredibly successful Uber, Airbnb or Bitcoin. And ENVIENTA is basically nothing more than an advanced verion of these models. Decentralize everything!

Most companies are unable to move further on IKEA’s model because the longer we go on with the decentralization, the more control is reduced and the traditional corporate structure decays. This is too radical for them. ENVIENTA can do this because our philosophy was built on this from the very beginning. ENVIENTA as a legal entity will not focus on product development or manufacture, merely managing them only.

The “global company” mentioned in the title therefore never going to exist. It will be a kind of virtual entity, a new organizational form, which, in spite of this, works well without external control. In ENVIENTA we decentralize every process. Starting from product design through production to sales. Each phase will be open and self-organizing, where anybody can join at any level. This can be most easily accomplished if the development is open source since anyone can easily contribute to the work or develop it further.

There is nothing to prevent the development and spread of such products. That’s why we think that this kind of bottom-up structure may be able to grow into a huge “world business” in a few years from a small core (this is the ENVIENTA project that we collect money in ICO). In the world of software, we’ve seen things like Linux, Android, or cryptocurrencies (eg. Bitcoin). We want to bring this into the hardware development world…

