The greatest ones…

or is ENVIENTA a good business

Laszlo Fazekas
ENVIENTA Open Source Everything
4 min readMar 17, 2019


Certainly many have heard about the greatest taxi company in the world. It has many thousands of employees everywhere around and it also has an automated dispatcher service available from a mobile phone. Where the lobbying competitors were not strong enough to demand strict legal regulations, they had no chance to win on the market. However, this taxi company does not even own a car fleet. The cars and the working hours are rented by the subcontractors. Yes, this company is Uber. A startup, that came from nowhere and within a few years it completely disrupted the market.


If nowadays I watch a film and a character needs a taxi, he or she says „I’ll call an Uber.” If the spread of the company was not regulated by law and lobbying taxi competitors, then maybe in a few years’ time young people would not even know what a taxi is.

Of course, when talking about Uber, I also have to mention the greatest hotel network in the world, which doesn’t own any property. Of course, this is Airbnb. Airbnb is not much more than an application still, it has turned the market upside down.

Those who are familiar with these companies may naturally nod: „Yes, sharing economy, it is a new trend”. But I think this is not the keyword here.
The key is rather the decentralized organization, and we are still just scratching the surface of this social phenomenon. Whether we are talking about Uber or Airbnb, we see an organization, which changes dynamically in every second. It can acquire new devices and employees in any minute, and it can also relinquish them the same way. It is not about the sharing of existing resources (sharing economy), it is much more than that. Many people rent a car or buy a house only to use Uber or Airbnb, which in return can provide a stable income. These companies are much more than being the tollmen of a sharing economy. They are the forerunners of those decentralized companies, which have a good chance to become wide-spread business models of the future and they will conquer the market as these two companies have.


Now let us play a little and imagine a company that invents things. It does not really have an easily definable profile. It has only one rule to stick to, that is the inventions should be socially useful from some perspective. Similarly to the companies of Elon Musk. The goal of SpaceX is to terraforming Mars one day, the goal of Tesla is to reduce environmental damage and to stop climate change, the goal of OpenAI is to make sure that nobody would own artificial intelligence, the goal of Neuralink is to improve humans to match up with machines.

So this imaginary decentralized company is like Musk’s conglomerate and even much more than that. Anyone can join the company just like in the case of Uber, and anyone can contribute to the development of any invention. The company assists the different workgroups working on different inventions in every way. It helps in finding the right people for the team, in raising capital, in making prototypes, in one-off production or in launching mass production. The salaries of „employees” working on different projects are covered by the license fee from the sales, but there is also a possibility for preliminary capital raising or other kinds of pre-financing. Every project is a virtual company within the company and the project members are the shareholders.

Sounds good ?! We hope that in the not too far future ENVIENTA can be this company. It is like Uber or Airbnb, whose most precious property is an application that brings the market participants together. I think such a company has huge potential. And whether it is worth or not investing money in it, everyone should decide for themselves…

One more thing! The openness and dynamism of ENVIENTA are not tending to create new dominance. The participants are thinking about the long term and in collaboration. The goal is not about creating market dominance, but to satisfy the needs of the participants and their partners in the most efficient way with the smallest ecological footprint possible. The competition here is about finding better and more advantageous solutions for the community and not about displacing and outrunning others.

Too idealistic? No! The participants are inspired by the realization that we mutually depend on each other and on nature. This mutual dependence is present even if we ignore it, in which case we only cause damages to ourselves and our environment that are greater and more difficult to fix.

The members and partners of ENVIENTA are very aware that in the next 10 years we have to achieve changes, which would make a better and more harmonious life possible with each other and nature after 2030.

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