Putting the Pieces Together — LEGO Goes 100% Renewable

Rob Sargent
Environment America
2 min readMay 19, 2017

Today, LEGO announced that they reached their goal of balancing 100 percent of their energy use with renewable energy — three years ahead of schedule. Here’s a piece I wrote about their commitment last year, and what it means for the 100 percent renewable energy movement.

Several years ago, LEGO set a goal to go 100 percent renewable by 2020. Last month, the Danish company announced that through a combination of investments in energy savings and purchases of wind power contracts, it is on track to meet that goal.

Three cheers for LEGO! It seems fitting that the company that has taught hundreds of millions of children across the globe the joy of building is doing its part to build a 100 percent renewable energy future.

“We set an ambition to be 100 percent renewable energy powered by 2020. It was a very ambitious agenda and target. We have been working since then to focus on delivering that target.” Tim Brooks, Vice President of Environmental Sustainability.

LEGO’s acquisition of 25 percent of the Burbo Bank offshore wind farm in the United Kingdom earlier this year is what has put them in reach of the goal. LEGO has been investing in energy savings, and working to reduce and recycle their packaging waste. They’re also building a “sustainability center” in Denmark that will conduct research, development, and implementation of more environmentally-friendly practices.

On a related note, the company is also doing its part to help keep it in the ground. Last year, it ended its relationship with Shell Oil over their plans to drill in the Arctic.

Stay tuned for more 100 percent renewable energy news!



Rob Sargent
Environment America

Environment America Senior Director, Campaign for 100% Renewable Energy