Thin-film Solar Cell to Determine the Future of Power Generation

sanket bachute
Energy and Environment
4 min readJul 31, 2019
Thin-film Solar

We have strived and developed ourselves to become a highly intelligent species. However, in doing so, we have destroyed our Mother Earth. We have polluted the Earth to the point where our future now looks bleak. Our future solely depends on what measures we take now. Several innovative reforms are being made in order to optimize the renewable natural resources available to us. Solar energy is one of these many resources that offer us surmount reserves of energy. Solar power is the key to clean energy in the future.

Many new devices and technologies have been invented in order to tap into this abundant source of energy. A thin-film solar cell in one of the many devices that are designed to convert light energy into electric energy by using the concept of photovoltaic effect. This device is made of micron-thick photons that effectively absorb materials that are deposited over a flexible substrate. The most commonly available type is the cadmium telluride thin-film solar cell. This type of thin-film solar cell is cost-effective and uses standard silicon thin-film cells. They are more efficient as more than 18 percent of the photon hit the surface that helps in the generation of electricity. The cadmium telluride has the smallest carbon footprint and has the quickest payback time than the rest of the thin-film solar cell technologies that are available in the market. The material that is most mature and using since old times in the manufacturing of thin-film solar cell is Amorphous silicon. They are manufactured using non-crystalline silicon and hence the manufacturing them is a cost-effective process. Amorphous silicon us abundantly available in nature and is relatively inexpensive and non-toxic. The only downside of this material is they offer only 10 percent efficiency.

Another type of thin-film solar cell is copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS). This is a type of semiconductor that helps in the manufacturing of thin-film solar cells. By intensive testing they have acquired 20 percent of efficiency under ideal conditions, however, in the field, they offer around 14 percent efficiency. This has resulted in CIGS acquiring the top position as an alternative cell material for manufacturing thin-film solar cells. The only hindrance for the growth of CIGS is that this type of semiconductor is costly than the rest of the materials available on the market. The most expensive material used in the making of thin-film solar cells is Gallium Arsenide (GaAs). Even though they have shown 30 percent efficiency while being tested in a laboratory, they are very costly to manufacture. Since this material is costly but highly efficient, they are used in technologies that require high proficiency such as satellites and aircraft.

Thin-film solar cells have a wide range of applications. They can be integrated into compact devices such as calculators and watches to generate power and offer longevity. The development in the thin-film solar cell facilitated effortless installation on curved surfaces and can be used in building-integrated photovoltaics. In places and areas where photovoltaic cells cannot be integrated, thin sheets of solar cells can be used for generation of electricity. They can be installed on the curved surfaces of cars or buildings or even on clothing to charge handheld devices such as smartphones.

The concept of integrating thin-film solar technology with compact gadgets in order to generate huge amounts of power is not science fiction anymore. Nanosolar, a developer of solar power technology based in San Jose, CA, Nanosolar has developed and commercialized a low-cost printable solar cell manufacturing process. Currently, they have a 12-month supply order that they are trying to execute. Their customers include municipalities and big corporations all over the world. Another organization called First Solar which is based in Ohio is working alongside Juwi Solar, a company which builds renewable power supply facilities. They are aiming to construct a 40-megawatt thin-film cadmium telluride solar field in Saxony, Germany.

A future where thin-film solar cells have achieved its full potential is not that far away. This technology can be used to blanket roofs or from facades of buildings across the cities in order to generate an enormous amount of energy. For easy installation purposes, they can be installed into roofing shingles in every new house that is being constructed. Furthermore, they can also be used to generated power to run cars and trucks. There has been a significant increase in the awareness of our damaged ecosystem. The thin-film solar cell market is one of the leading markets who aims at improving our environment. Allied Market Research has estimated that till 2023, the thin-film solar cell market will grow up to $39.51 billion at a staggering 19.4% CAGR from 2017 to 2023. The market for a thin-film solar cell is driven by a generation of pure energy that would not harm the nature in any way. These recyclable materials undergo high-end processing so as to deliver long-lasting and sustainable products. This market has great potential and will increase at a steady pace as new technologies and innovative products are introduced in this market.



sanket bachute
Energy and Environment

Sanket Bachute writes about technology, environment and energy. I like things mainly in the business and research.