Staying Human when it’s Hot, Hazy, and Humid

Elinor Graham
Environment, Mind, Body Resonance
2 min readJun 14, 2017

With summer just around the corner, we are beginning to feel the heat that comes with temperatures over 80 degrees. Yet, it seems that while some can comfortably embrace the high temperatures, others are always hunting for the nearest shade or air-conditioned space. I had always attributed a dislike for heat to genetics, and perhaps to the climate in which one grew up. Yet, while DNA and hometowns may be significant factors, there are other reasons why some just cannot seem to “beat the heat.”

As it turns out, not only do your weight and size matter, but also your age, gender, diet, sleep patterns, lifestyle and even your level of happiness. In a New York Times question and answer article, editor C. Clairbone Ray explains that ‘the overlapping factors that affect an individual’s heat tolerance are almost incalculable.” In other words, it is difficult to isolate the individual factors that contribute to our different perceptions of temperature.

However, as it turns out, observable lifestyle factors are not the only determinant of temperature perception. Through the process of thermoregulation, involving the brain, nerves and hormones, the human body is actually able to control internal temperature. Yet, as Ray details, certain medical conditions can reduce heat tolerance, such as “menopause, autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis, thyroid trouble and cancer of the pituitary gland.” Along with all of these variables, our tolerance is dependent of our daily intensity of activity and the level of humidity in the air. However, studies done for NASA and the military have found that “strategic and gradual exposure” to high temperatures can eventually lead to higher tolerance of the climate.

So what is your best bet to survive the summer’s heat if you happen to be one of those people who always seem too warm? Try steadily adjusting to the 90 degree days, seek cooler temperatures, drink plenty of liquids, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

