Are Solar Panels the Future?

Brian Tierney
Green Environment, Green Buisness
2 min readOct 7, 2020

Joana Martins Marques's blog post “How Solar Panels Will Lead to Job Growth”, the author discusses how Solar Panels are a great source of Renewable energy and will lead to job growth. Solar Panels are a renewable energy source that can replace energy sources such as fossil fuels which can be harmful to the environment.

Many people argue that Solar Panels are too costly and it is easier and cheaper to rely on energy sources such as fossil fuels. However, this is not true.

In Joana Martins Marques's blog, she refers to a study that she performed in her Geology class which proves that the switch to Solar Panels will save more money than fossil fuels in the long run. In this study, the experiment was run through a software engine to show how much energy a solar panel can produce on a house. The experiment showed that a solar panel on a single house can produce 6,310 kWh of energy which is 60.4% of the average amount of energy that the average American household uses. This proved that ultimately, Solar Panels can greatly reduce the number of fossil fuels used as an energy source.

But why aren’t businesses switching to Solar Panels to save money? Many large corporations do not see the long term investment and return the Solar Panels will bring them. It will also create lots of job growth throughout the renewable source industry. Many jobs are required to install these solar panels and the solar panel business is currently on the rise.

Joana Martins Marques also brings up the idea that even more job opportunities and business opportunities will arise once renewable energy becomes the new norm. I agree with this statement because it will create jobs for professions such as engineers who need to develop the actual source of renewable energy. It will also create business opportunities for people such as solar panel owners. In some cases, solar panel owners can be paid by the electric company since their solar panels generate excess electricity that they do not need, so the electric company buys it off of them.

I also believe that renewable energy sources will become the new norm. Once people begin to realize that renewable energy sources are cheaper and more cost-efficient, scientists will begin to discover even more renewable energy sources and create endless amounts of job opportunities.

Marques, J. (2020, October 2). How Solar Panels will Lead to Job Growth. Retrieved from



Brian Tierney
Green Environment, Green Buisness

My name is Brian Tierney and I am a Sophomore in College. I am majoring in accounting but I am also interested in learning about the Environment.