Green Jobs

Brian Tierney
Green Environment, Green Buisness
2 min readOct 7, 2020

In the blog “The Big Idea That’s Growing Green Business in America”, the main focuses are the motivation behind creating eco-friendly businesses as well as the benefits it has in the job market. EcoTech Visions is what is known as an “incubator for green enterprises” to financially support and encourage eco-friendly businesses and jobs. As of 2016, EcoTech had already created 15 new jobs for people, such as Michael Caballero, who had an idea on how to lead a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Michael Caballero figured out a way to create disposable utensils out of a corn-based resin that will decompose within six months of disposal and EchoTech gave him the means to do so.

In this blog, the author states “cleantech and green manufacturing, as sectors, could provide the biggest hope of restoring jobs that have been lost due to the historic decline in American manufacturing”. This supports the fact that creating more eco-friendly businesses will assist in expanding the job market in America. Caballero expresses that his goal is to avoid importing compostable products from foreign countries and instead, manufacture them here in the U.S. There are dozens of other businesses like Caballero that are looking to create jobs like this as well. This will not only help start the movement of going green and bettering our environment but also the number of jobs it can create will boost our economy.

The main point I took from this blog is when Caballero stated “green industries will be most successful if others join the movement. The demand for sustainable products is already there, but supply will only match those levels if more entrepreneurs and manufacturers arrive on the scene”. I think this is really important to acknowledge. The eco-friendly industries cannot thrive without the support and participation of American citizens and other surrounding businesses. Businesses like EcoTech can create jobs and help small business owners and entrepreneurs collaborate but it will not be effective unless action is taken. There is a need for people who support the movement and want to encourage an environmentally friendly way of living. If no one is taking these jobs offered, there is no way these green industries can expand the way they need to to make a difference. With support from other large corporations, the concept of green manufacturing can expand and help not only the job market but also the economy.

Nationswift, (2016, August 18th)



Brian Tierney
Green Environment, Green Buisness

My name is Brian Tierney and I am a Sophomore in College. I am majoring in accounting but I am also interested in learning about the Environment.