Biodiversity: Why it Matters

Jaclyn Gilson
Environmental Ideas
3 min readMar 2, 2017
Coral reefs are one of the planet’s most diverse ecosystems

Biodiversity is one of the most important aspects of our planet, and human actions are causing extinction of many of earth’s species. Ecosystems are homes to the wide array of diverse species, and they provide services that are critical to the earth’s function. Nutrient recycling and energy transfers are two of the many services provided by ecosystems. Without functioning ecosystems we would not be able to breathe the air we are breathing. All over the world there are different types of ecosystems, from rainforests to deserts, from oceans to mountains. Each of those ecosystems with its unique services are crucial to survival of life on earth.

150 acres of rainforest are lost every day, that’s 78 million every year!

Humans are threatening the biodiversity of our planet through habitat destruction and fragmentation, release of greenhouse gases, and pollution. We are using resources at an unsustainable rate. For example, 150 acres of rainforests are being cut down daily. Those acres and acres are home thousands of diverse species that are being displaced because of our actions. Human are also taking over large masses of land and developing them for agriculture, cities, or suburbs, which takes away space from the animals living there.

Currently the Carbon Dioxide level in the atmosphere is at an all-time high of 400 parts per million (PPM). This extremely high level of Carbon Dioxide is because of anthropogenic influences, including the use of fossil fuels for transportation and industrial processes. Atmospheric levels of Carbon Dioxide are increasing too quickly for animals to adapt, and aquatic organisms are especially suffering. Carbon Dioxide emissions are leading to coral bleaching and warmer water temperatures which make it difficult for organisms to survive.

Large mounds of plastic are found in the oceans.

Every year humans pollute huge amounts of plastic and waste, a lot of that ends up in oceans. Eight million tons of plastic end up in the ocean from humans. This large amount of pollution can be harmful to the organisms that are being subjected to it. Plastic can be detrimental to life in oceans, along with oil spills and other human caused pollution.

Because of our actions, humans are putting the many diverse species on our planet at risk. By putting the species around us at risk, we are putting ourselves at risk as well. We rely on the many services provided by the diverse species that make up our ecosystems. Ecosystems are more productive when they have diverse species, each with an important role.

After reading about biodiversity, I realize there are some things I can do on a small scale that will decrease the effects of human actions on biodiversity loss. Habitat destruction and fragmentation is a difficult thing to avoid. As a person living in a city I have contributed to the displacement of many organisms, but as one of many people living in cities all over the United States there are still some small things I can do to help. To reduce the amount of Carbon Dioxide I release into the atmosphere, I do not have a car in the city and instead walk or take public transportation to get from point A to point B. I also try to reduce the amount of plastic I use in my daily life by carrying a reusable water bottle, bringing reusable bags with me when I go grocery shopping, and small things like that. There are still many more ways I can become more eco-friendly, but these are some small steps I have been taking recently.

