Ecosystem restoration, reviving hope.

Thuận Sarzynski
Environmental Ideas
5 min readJun 17, 2019


Photo by Nikola Jovanovic on Unsplash

Land degradation is a worldwide issue affecting more than 3.2 billion. When the land is degraded through soil erosion, salinization or pollution, it loses its wildlife and its ecosystem services.

In the future, it will be important to rehabilitate degraded landscapes and seascape to restore their productivity. Moreover, land restoration is especially important to mitigate climate change as forests, coral reefs and wetlands can store a huge quantity of carbon.

As young people are taking the streets to call for climate action and asking adults to join the next global climate strike in September, a momentum is taking shape and open an opportunity to push governments to act against climate change.

“Now that people are aware of the existential threat of climate change, we must give them solutions”

People have a lot of energy and are eager to change the status quo, but how do we channel this energy to have the biggest impact? That is the question asked by Tim Christophersen, focal point for the UN decade project for land restoration. In a webinar last week on land restoration, he stressed that everybody has a role to play in this mass movement but not everybody knows what to do. For example, people can plant the wrong trees at a bad time, bad…



Thuận Sarzynski
Environmental Ideas

SDG Warrior, World Citizen, Capitalist Hippie, Scientist, Polyglot, Storyteller, Writer, Earthling, Tree Hugger, Food Lover, Adoptee & Otaku