Stillness and Movement

Yara T.
Environmental Ideas
1 min readDec 11, 2017

“Life is a balance between rest and movement” — Osho

Stillness and Movement © Yara T.

This shot was taken at the start of the sunset in Cotswolds, July 2017. The idea of this shot is to show the peaceful moment at the verge of the changing time of day. The harmony achieved through the right balance of stillness and movement. It is a unique combination of stillness and silence — straightened reed, trees and bushes; as well as there is a trace of movement — clouds, duck, trembling lake waters. Only in stillness you can discover peace, only in movement you can discover life.

Nature is the powerful example of the harmony. It teaches us to find the right balance between good and bad, healthy and toxic, and here it is the balance of stillness and movement. The beauty of this shot proves that this harmony is achievable.

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Yara T.
Environmental Ideas

I am looking at the world, self-development and abstract from all the visible to me lenses. Interested in psychology and cognitive sciences, spirituality and...