A Huge breakthrough in healthcare and solving Parkinson's disease and movement problems with music: Cracking Parkinson and movement problems code.

Jiska Hachmer
Environmental Psychology
20 min readDec 23, 2019

I am studying to be an MD, first now, I study for my BSc Health Science, and have studied a lot already before this study, and other studies I study at the same time, but this is the future of Healthcare, and it is here now!

Moving again for Parkinson's and movement problems with music.

Please see this first: People with movement problems, dementia and Parkinson move right away when hearing music. They can really dance right away with music, from the moment the music starts, while without it, they can not walk, move, nor dance, especially not well.

(ABC science, N.D.)

(RT, 2020)

Your problem

You have you, yourself, and your preferences, and in life from 0–100 years you will have your talents, what God wants for you, and your levels of education. And, you can increase those levels, and find your preferences and study some more, and still feel God has another plan, no matter how hard you work. Then, you can feel your talents are just better at something else, and you can work on all that, in the best ways fitting for you, your talents and wishes, finding your authentic life, personal lifestyle and own maxes in life, and there, you can find movement problems. Your problem. This can be Parkinson, any neurological problem, or any other problem. Your own maxes are your own, a limit in life, or… Are there solutions?


For movement problems, like Parkinson, there are solutions, and those are your music(ABC science, N.D), feeling good (Medline plus, 2018), feeling deep emotions, thinking consciously about movement (Invigorate Physical Therapy and Wellness, 2015), and I think preferences based on my study about memory from Seamore through Coursera, (N.D). Where I learned the start of remembering is with episodal memory and your preferences.

We know from O’Brien, (2005) people remember better with remarkable thoughts, emotions are very remarkable, and we need emotions to remember (Kwik, 2018). Which lead me to the next research studies.

Episodal memory needs dopamine

The episodal memory needs dopamine to learn and for long term memory improvement(Ferreri, and Rodriguez- Fornells, 2017). You need memory for procedures, remembering facts, and your preferences. To process input and to recall processed sensations and information. (Seamon, N.D.)

Perhaps, also more unconscious happiness created during sleep (Grogan et al, 2015), and better control of the beta waves, and higher frequencies and synchronizing the brain (Hackethal, 2019).

Dopamine (Medline plus, 2018)

Dopamine is needed to think, messages need to be sent through the brain, and without dopamine that will not be working well. Dopamine sends the message to the next synapse and cleans up the synapse so a new message can go through the synapse.

Connecting is not the problem, but sending the message through, also to the right place in the next synapse, and to clean up the synapse.

Dopamine also controls body movement. When 80% of dopamine is lost the symptoms of Parkinson's show.

Parts in the brain affected because of lack of dopamine, the basal ganglia, and substantia nigra:

  • Striatum. The need for reward in social behavior. (Báez-Mendoza and Schultz, 2013)
  • Thalamus. Lack of movement and dementia. Lack of face and body sensory information. (Brain Injury Explanation, N.D.)
  • Motor cortex. Body movement control.
  • Globus pallidus interna. Deeper movement control (Healthline, 2015), and happiness, through GABA (Lester, N.D.).
  • Subthalamic nucleus. Normal motor function and projections. (Handbook of behavioral neuroscience, 2010)
  • Substantia nigra. Impulsivity. (Zhang, 2017)

Evolution of the brain and Parkinson (The brain, N.D.)

Reptiles with a lack of dopamine would have a lack of balance. Mammals with a lack of dopamine, the same problem, and depression and dementia. Animals with the neocortex, like Homo Sapiens, the same as reptiles and mammals, but also speech problems. Even dinosaurs and birds could have or have had Parkinson (Lovell et al, 2015). Lizards, crocodiles, and birds do lack Dopamine transporters (DAT).

  • Reptile brain/ cerebellum and brainstem. Vital functions, balance, and movement.
  • Mammal brain/ midbrain. Emotions, also instinct and intuition.
  • Neocortex. Abstract, learning, and speech.

Movement, happy emotions (dopamine), rewarding feelings, rewarding social behavior, “good feeling”, conscious thinking about movement (Invigorate Physical Therapy and Wellness, 2015) and listening to music help against Parkinson's. Conscious and unconscious thinking of movement, and having feelings conscious and unconsciously that are “good feelings”. Able to project the “good feelings”, a world where one is happy and can project happiness, good feelings, movement, and music. Your preferences, and love, your happiness. The choices that make you happy. No processed food as well. (Wyndham, 2018) A conscious life, with healthy non- processed food and music, and good feelings, is a very conscious and happy life that is needed, where one consciously feels the self and moves the self, keeps developing and learning new things.

Listening to music and dancing to music solves the movement problem in Parkinson's (ABC Science, N.D.).

Music makes you happy, and your personal music and preferences are the door to learning and remembering, and your identity. Making you happy and conscious about life, feelings, and movement.

Playing music also creates more white matter and helps control motor skills.

Learning new things, making music are causing more white matter (Dr. Axe, 2016) and thus more control of motor skills, so, I think using music to move, is using the white matter and dopamine and preference of a person in music, and a “good feeling” of learning and dancing, and a feeling inside of the self happy. Perhaps equal to finding real love, and a deep connection, and remembering this deep love, as music is about deep feelings. So, this could also be deep thinking therapy, which enables movement and dancing. And because this is a process, within procedural memory (Seamore, N.D.)I think it is and deep use of the mind, unconsciously and consciously, but also takes time like any learning. And, from the episodal where all input starts, and we decide to let the thought “in” and get processed, to the factual, and procedural memory, to be processed and trained, and “learned”, and then recalled. So, I think like all learning and IQ games, where

Music creates dopamine, white matter, and helps with the right state of mind.

With Parkinson’s have different brainwaves

The beta waves would be sharper, and also between beta and gamma where slower brainwaves would have high-frequency bursts (Hackethal, 2019) and the brain would be less synchronized, and this needs to be addressed by following the brainwaves with E.E.G. If this is not addressed, it makes processing thoughts harder.

There are brainwaves therapies to synchronize the brain and for Parkinson’s.

Deep emotions

You also need to have a deep movement within, the deep emotions, and deeper thoughts about movement, the deep happiness, to use the brain better, thus I think also, the own preferences in music, that move you more are needed. And, is the help to process, and feel and think.

So, to stop the progression of Parkinson you need learning, your self, the right waves, and the right state of mind.

Development of people, creating a happy life.

All need authoritative raising, high level of education, and there are some ways that are the best to get educated like homeschooling, your own pace in study, and understanding the door to learning, understanding the core of thinking and learning, also, fully science lessons, and to self-direct your studies, for no DSM and a good development.

Also, against crime, a higher education solves the crime rate and honor codes. Also, not let people work from a young age, which creates more crime if we let young people work. We need to understand the development and all the sciences about that.

So, we can create healthy people, but some still develop an illness, like Parkinson's. Those are not raising problems, not in the way we mean raising style problem, we can change our raising, not in style or parenting style, as authoritative raising is proven the best, but with even more sophisticated ideas, and more answers from science.

My Personal story with movement problems

I noticed

The first time I noticed signs like Parkinson, was when my face started to hurt, and over time more often, but I did not think of Parkinson at that time, but is actually all it can be.

I already had movement problems, but I have fatigue and Fibromyalgia since I was 19, and pelvic instability since I had 6 months of bed rest during my pregnancy of my daughter in 2006–2007, and hyper mobilities since I was very little, and always knew I had that, and two hernia’s, since 2010, and since recently, I know I am a carrier of CDG (2019, through DNA testing).

But at that time I knew I was instable when moving, but never understood the pains in my face, which became more often ached over time. I thought it was from the hernia in my neck. Suddenly since last year, I shook extremely and got freezes and had troubles unfreezing. I knew there, I had to look up what this could be.

Then, I learned my mother's and grandma’s shaking in the face with the eyes, and mouth are Parkinson's, which they had at a young age for Parkinson. They never talked about it that way, but clearly those are symptoms of Parkinson. Also, my brother's hands could shake, and my mom would have shaking hands thinking it is caffeine causing that.

All these family signs, plus I remember on my dad’s side a story about my grandma with Parkinson, but I am not sure, I was very young and did not know my grandma well, so, that could have been another story about her, but all these stories and symptoms made me aware this was indeed such for me, as clearly I showed the symptoms.

I changed my diet and noted I can not skip vitamines anymore and particularly E, and magnesium, and my multivitamins. But, also eating more chocolate, banana’s and drinking coffee worked a lot, as promised (Pasd, 2015). Also, changing to eat fewer carbohydrates and more keto, that I do eat with 150–200 carbohydrates. But you can be doing keto with carbohydrates, but this is the maximum of that in my case.

Since then, I only had moments, with shaking, especially when exhausted, to much stress, and then only with a really huge crisis of stress, which never gives me a personal crisis, but does give me the shakes, and skipping the right food and vitamins, and eating processed food. Only that would still give me the shaking and freezes, etc. Also, doing too much, like physical things and singing, which that last was new to me, that that gives trouble in any way, I even sing through extreme bronchitis. I figured, maybe too many negative emotions when singing sad songs would cause this new problem. Especially at dinner time, I could not sing anymore, and it was not shaking like hunger shaking, but something new.

Trouble swallowing I had thought came from bronchitis never really leaving, since 2014, and I had then severe bronchitis during the IWBF contest I was a finalist on. I had ever since constant bronchitis and symptoms of walking pneumonia, that I kept using the medicine for every time it was severe again.


And I noted this change in diet, changed all to only some moments left with these symptoms, and that was already actually good enough for me. I started to notice less of these “new symptoms” and found this worked well. Especially young people are not good at medicine for Parkinson's, it will lose effectiveness over time, and thus need alternative treatments (EPDA, 2018).

I also had found out that this young with Parkinson's symptoms are most likely inherited if it is Parkinson's, which will be very clear over time. (APDA, N.D.)

Inherited, that seems true, in my family. Then, if so, every next generation has it 10 years sooner, which seems so, Grandma was older with the mild Parkinson, but clearly the facial symptoms of Parkinson, my mom was a lot younger but older than me, and my brother with symptoms. But all that means this could be the least hard version of it and will progress slowly over time and less bad than normal Parkinson's, that comes normally later in life and will be severe. and

But then, I found something that made me aware I actually had years and years not being myself anymore and had progressed years into the worse movement, but never thought about it, as it progressed slowly and I got used to this worse movement. Especially because I was abused by a doctor, of the Dutch national health insurance, UWV, I had been more handicapped since, also, since all the exploitation that Dutch families go through, that, of course, worsens my disabilities too, so, at first I only noted that, and along time I also got the Parkinson symptoms.

Looking back on what I can now again and the past, there is a very change. And with a worse disability of my already known diseases, and new symptoms that progressed and getting these new symptoms under control, and get back to only the already known symptoms. But, as I work on these new, I do note this progression I must have been gone through for a longer time. Each disease gets more clear, and I can easier see what each does.

Especially I now can also think of movements better again. Thinking, remembering of movements had become very hard. Where I used to find that easier. I had lost the understanding of some movements, and all these years I had thought I actually had forgotten, because of my pelvic disability, as I move very bad because of my pelvic instability. But now I can dance again.

And, not all moves, but at least some, I could not any more past years, I had lost totally that feeling, and because of thinking of what to do I had lost. When my body can not do a move, which is a few, I am not able to think of dancing and quite a few moves, and then my mind seems to understand again. My mind blocks when it can not do the move. It then needs time to think. So, It is learning to do all again, and some moves just never can, a disabled hip remains disabled. But, my mind seems to get less blocked now I understand this how to move with music again.

And learning about this illness, and what music does to move again, makes me understand what it means, as I lost a very deep thinking in movement, which as I just said I thought it was my pelvic instability, but since this solution, I can think of so much more and move so much better, and typically as in that science of the music and better movement explained.

My hip still disables me of all and in the same ways, I still need the same amount of rest, but the times in between rest and next rest are improved and I notice deeper happy feelings too. I can not raise my hip fastly or constant. And I get confused when that is asked in dance, I can think a long time about what it all means, as my mind and or body can not process such thoughts.

But since what I found to solute a lot, I can move lots better.

Just allot more like how of that dancing feeling, this understanding of dancing, like before my pelvic instability, but actually I mean I am disabled, but the loss of the feeling was these “new symptoms”.

I was a dancer at first, then a singer as a child, and I was about to go to ballet high school, so I always danced and moved really well, which I had thought I had lost with my pelvic instability. But singing I also did not lose the thought of as much, as with dancing, so, I think if it was just my hip, I would in my mind still be able to think of all the moves, and that I had lost, and that comes back with the music.

So, I think all with movement problems should try listening to their favorite music and especially dance fitness music videos and dances on their favorite music, with movements the body should be able to do, so, for me, I just can not let my hip do all, so I chose the moves I know I should be able to do.

And then, take some time learning, and see the changes over time. And, as promised in that research about music makes people with Parkinson move again, quickly things change, and it makes it more clear what you actually had the past years. And, shows because of the changes, the difference between the symptoms and not having them, and shows how things progressed past years.

A feeling back

So, it is a feeling that is back, not my other illnesses are gone, also not the damage that I gained over the years with that, but this strange other things, that I had developed, which I had no idea of what that actually was. Looking back, I had just more limitations than one thing, and one of these limitations that had appeared without me really knowing, and had made me more disabled than I already was, and with music and dancing, it is not only not further progressing, but a lot better too, and makes me happier, as I remember myself, and can enjoy the thoughts of movements, and movements again.

All limited for me, but, I see growth, back to who I am/ was.

I do think we must consider I always listened to lots of music and always danced, so this medicine for movement I used to have daily and lots every day, which could have kept me “healthy”, while Parkinson is within the family. My grandma and mother and brother listen to a lot to music, so, we must consider, because of music they are kept very good, despite Parkinson's symptoms.

Because of that, I realized too, I had listened less to music over the years, to just dance. While doing the dancing a few times a day is very effective.

Stops progression.

I think this stops the progression. And, people do have disabilities overtime when getting older, with all kinds of problems. My hip is not put in place with this, but I feel the movement again, and I can see me moving like myself again. So, it does not change in a small way, but in a big way.

So, I think if this solves the neurological, movement, balance issues, and helps to move, dancing, and feel happier, feel better, feel yourself, it might solve a lot more than just Parkinson, and neurological problems, like depressions, and not losing your soul. For example, I can imagine this also helps people with borderline, where they lost the soul, and perhaps the cause was Parkinson's. Parkinson's and dementia and other illnesses can create some symptoms of Borderline. Crossing the lines, and be a little out of hand, and having more mental problems, like loss of self and depression, schizophrenia, etc, which, could be wrongly diagnosed, and could be a physical illness.

And I think, we can further research all illnesses and what music does.

I do think we should remind ourselves what music does, and what learning is, and what makes us feel good, and what that does to the mind, and we should think of practicing the things we like and learning new things, which also help against dementia.

There could be a link between dementia, learning new things and Parkinson's, as Parkinson has dementia and both need learning new things, but musically, the music part of learning new things. So, I think it can be related to music that helps neurological problems. And, the will, the preferences, and feeling deep emotions, and letting the brain work deeply, like a deep connection to a loved one. (I do not mean shallow lots of friends, but the deep, real true connections, one personally needs, as that one personally, truly, actually has that as a preference.)It is proven best to have not too many friends (Prinstein, N.D.). But it is proven we need dopamine and a life that makes us happy.

Stages of getting the feeling back

  1. I always was a singer, dancer, listening to music, also to brainwaves. Thus this is the first step. I think if people do not listen to much this is the first step to find the music you love and really want to hear, and feel emotions with. Maybe this is actually finding the right “therapy and therapist”. The right sounds you love and feel good with. You can also try to compare with music that stimulates dopamine. Or try dopamine brainwaves.

2. I tried listening to my favorite music and one that makes me always feel to move. So, I want to move. (And it sounds like the Parkinson brainwave. )

3. Using more of those fave songs with those similar to brainwave for Parkinson sounds.

4. Using them together, on the background the brainwave for Parkinson. Hear those faves with this on the background, it fits… It is not annoying together at the same time, even makes me move better.

5. Trying to dance with dance fitness videos, ones that I really want to dance to.

I could not believe I could. And I can’t do all of it, but this helps to find me and do what I can. Maybe the feel of this helps, it is all about: “be you”.

6. Finding some more, I love and can dance to. So, finding a few, I am still working on, finding ones with the most moves in it that I can do to. But also over time, all get better to do, also the harder ones.

Reward the creators of music and dances.

People that create music videos, music, and dance fitness videos, and brainwave videos should get more funding, money, awards, rewards for making the population healthier. With their talent, music, and good creations they make the world better, it means so much more than we realize.

I think in this connection, therapists are more important than their therapies, but the therapies are very important too. That bond, the connection, the product it is all-important, and really lets people move better.

Maybe we should make more doctors in music.

Perhaps also create labels for them to use, which says on the cover or back, this is a good feeling cd, this helps to create dopamine, this helps you move, or this is also for the healing stage … Parkinson, etc.

People that love the makers can also tell more scientifically proven the music and the maker healed them. It is fairer for the real bonding people do. And creates even more happy feelings and thus less illness to be fair about this. It creates happiness and gratitude, which creates dopamine (Chowdhurry, 2019).

We also have taught people wrongly a musician, choreographers, singers, DJ’s and anyone in music, also technicians, etc. are just a musician, etc., but they are so much more, a future to health.

I can imagine YouTubers are the same, and any artist, and actors. We can be so happy with them that we get dopamine and feel better, they are the world’s “good feel”, the world’s medicine.

And getting better this way is sooooo fun! And we Millenials have a glimpse of our cool old days.

If you need one memory…and a good feel, and health:

And get inspired, it just takes some time to dance better, also for who is not affected with illness:

I have these Hypotheses with movement problems and the solution music:

  1. If you love the singer or musician it does even more. Could that be? I think so, it is preferences, deeper thinking, even more dopamine, even more love, and happier a feel. Maybe even more instinct and intuition a person then uses as well, and more other parts of the brain. Plus and more conscious and more unconscious thinking of movement. People in love care about how they move and are. Awareness. Mindfulness. More emotions, and development mentally.

2. Also, If you listen to such a loving feel through music, or sing yourself can be different. I note when singing I can get more troubles when skipping listening to it for my body and to dance. So, maybe we should make lots of music and listen to lots and use music also to dance, and maybe there is a formula for how much of each.

3. Also, maybe songs about beautiful moving, the love for moving helps to move even better, and dance even better.


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