A moneyless world stops crime.

Do we have to see it this way? -Give the criminals no money system (and for us all because if they do not have it, but we do they are jealous and more criminal, despite it is only for them because they can not handle money problems, and we do)?

Jiska Hachmer
Environmental Psychology
15 min readAug 11, 2020


In prison

So, equality it needs as well, but not the type we think of. As they do not handle the money problems, and fears and create a no equal life, as they steal from us. They do not understand equality and think stealing from us makes their world equal or more.

I wrote this article and then researched to find answers to my idea.

Conclusion: I am right, this “no money world solves crime idea”, would be true.

Harvard economics professor Raj Chetty is almost sure this is true, a cashless world, moneyless world, would solve crimes.

I think because criminals are mainly low literate, thus not understanding to go that long into studies to create good work and good ideas.

We now have to test the hypothesis out, and of course ethically, with human rights, science, SEL, and academic skills. Then, share results and change the world.

So, the recent social work, gov (local and national), justice (cops, judges, etc ) crimes (Social study majors are the lowest majors, because of the students and workers in the fields have the lowest IQ, and thus are most low literate, low literacy is linked to the crime. Thus their scene the most criminal, plus they made it power jobs, and that always attracts dark triad. A dark triad is an abused person, abused as a very young child, which made them cold, and live with twists, and show especially when 45+ their crimes, and over time they only get worse into crimes, all other criminals, and types of DSM get fewer criminals, especially around 45 years old, they are actually not with DSM nor crimes anymore, the psychopath is typically the only one that keeps getting worse from that age. 1% of the world is a psychopath. Remind you especially some generations have more dark triad, especially boom generation, and this is logic because they lived worse lives as a child. Lots of them are addicts, 1 out of 5. Part 3 of the boom generation also lacks mirror neurons and makes them more narcissistic. Older generations also had worse education, and the link between low literacy to crime is more relevant to them. Also, x and boom generations were exposed to unethical experiments, were after war kids living with the cold war, and were exposed to things like bandura kids experiments, which made them even killers. The social pressure created also comparable to the Millgram experiments, charlatans with white suits on they followed. Thus exploitation of the profession coats, and then let people do things that are criminal. They lived exploited, used, abused, human trafficked, and with institutions, which are now all unethical, and all we should not create. They lived very unethical, with a lack of science, and lack the human rights-> children’s rights, which are the same, but children’s rights also have the duty to interpret kids correctly and give them their wishes, help them achieve their preferences and wishes. Many of x and boom have complex DSM, and dark triad behavior, and BPD, and other DSM. Most people with DSM are no criminals, but BPD and dark triad are criminals, and they have this more as a norm, with combinations with other DSM. Thus they are more often the ill criminal.)

Something they can do, without money, and “earn”, so they have all they wish for?

But they see money, and get cold, and in fear, and do hunger crimes, and get “dumbly”, most criminals are less smart, into crimes, and into worse now once they are in the scene.

As if their mind:

  • got into stress and fear,
  • keep getting input they fear,
  • can not realize good situations,

And once they dare to be good and the hunger comes, they lose all the love and reality and find us unreal that we would choose to suffer. They get stress, want to climb out, and use all people.

But they stay in this way, to be sure because they now think, that hunger will happen soon, anyway, or sometimes, so we rather are criminals already. They “know what will come”. So we look stupid, they look smart. But their action is the least smart. Seeing the future or being a criminal because of that future is a difference. We would choose research and solutions without crimes, as they are lower literate they choose crimes and do not understand science, research, real solutions.

And then these cycles in their mind and life.

Using schools, systems, people, jobs just anything to earn, and constant actually with the idea, “else they are dead”. They have not much to hang on, they are less smart, they do not feel others anymore when the hunger fear comes, and they even think like animals bringing birds they catch, we must love them now, they brought us something. They do not see what we see.

So, we have to give them some outs? Other ways…

Besides money, and satisfying. And authentic, autonomous, so we catch their fear and catch them in good behavior because there is a good out?

Without degrading them to no earning, not being “equal”, while this is not equal, as we would not be that way. But to create their idea of love, equal, and it has to be real enough that they realize what real love is, and they must get that.

They are shallow, love is a problem too.

They are not themselves and in DSM and crimes. That's a place for no good love situations.

We all must learn, a baby can that support a grown person? No, so there is a development, also in love, but at a point, these criminals remain shallow. They use people, so also their spouse and kids.

So, when we are with our one, we would not be criminals, nor to the one, nor to the kids, nor to other people, nor their kids, even when in bad circumstances, we do hate the criminals.

They use people, and they find that smart to get out of hunger, they use crimes to get food, attention, love, a world to live in, to be someone.

What would they do? Would they finally go do something they love?

Would they go work, and “earn”, and be sure they always have all they need?

Would they finally get what we all see and do all of our days…? Or would their mind finally be so happy to be with themselves, not lost anymore in the fears and hunger crimes, and the all out of hand scenes, would they finally get sucked up into their bubble and discover their mind as something that holds work for them, pieces of art, studies, something to do, and think about, lost in the wondering(who they are, what life is), creating questions, finding answers to their questions, like the rest of us.

Which they thought weird things about before, a little before, now, today, as if we normal people using our brains, thus busy with our brains and thoughts, are “ill”, we had to see them, the narcissists and do all they want, anything else they saw as ill. Which was more a lie to get some feet in the doors and use the people and earn on them.

Because every person is themselves if we let them and do not scare them, and bring them the right input, then, they will discover their own minds, bodies, and souls, and that has many paths to discover. So, everyone is inside themselves finding out who they are and what life is. Guessing, learning, discovering.

Consciousness and conscientiousness, in a developing body and world. The mind like a TV, book, collection, building up knowledge, with understanding, creations, ideas. Something they read and do all day and while they are in their lives, also when outside, they get the sensations through their own senses, and, processing that input, the processed input they recall and resee and redo, and they use it as output.

People work in their minds, and not shallow as criminals, normally. People are more creative, exploring, discovering, wanting to know or do something, and learn, grow, be better next time, and overtime.

Learning procedures, creating procedures, learning facts, using procedures and facts, and will always do first, their own preferences in these processes.

The science of the elderly in science

We have some old people in the Netherlands that never had science lessons, nor much schooling, and actually lots of them.

X and boom are not so high literate and had no degrees in their time. They try to keep working with that and skip A-Z studies. K-12 on highest level they lack, also degrees, especially A- Z all the curriculum and then doctorate levels, they lack. But they love to work and use everything and anyone for their work.

Because of this low literacy, many workplaces are crime scenes.

If they studied, they would see that a lot more clearly as true, now they keep themselves in a fake world, while being criminal. It is a bit the typical elderly crimes, to have some money. And they will die anyway, so they leave a bad to us, and they die.

How to get the elderly into this?

  • Wondering
  • Creating questions, with their preferences, and after only good input, surrounded by only good people that never go into crime, and with honor codes, and higher literacy.
  • Writing a thesis about their experiences, sensations through the senses, and processes in the mind, where the thesis is the output of all processed in the mind. So, also their art, language art, and any expression(and all good because the input was good, and telling on all bad input as well if any is still bad, and expressing what they find about it all. Sharing their experiences.).
  • Researching the situations and experiences, and create a research thesis. Addressing the mind with what others have researched already and found in hypothesis testing, comparing to other research methods, and experiences. Also, creating even better questions, now all is researched.
  • Creating a hypothesis, explaining the situation with all research found, and then testing this idea with an experiment, to prove this idea made up about what we question, what should answer the questions, is true. Then share results. Others will use this result too do address their minds, when they do research.

Fixing all world problems

All that goes wrong needs research and sharing results, and setting it straight with a research thesis. What to do according to science solves. The question is have we found all to solve the situation, yet? We need to keep looking for answers.

