Potty training, the child will need to build a bridge to get to the other side of potty training. — You can help your child.

You can use the diaper- free ways, you can think about the growth mindset, rewards, and associations one can make during the training, which can also result in DSM and fears. In any way, your child will need to build a bridge and you can help your child.

Jiska Hachmer
Environmental Psychology
6 min readDec 30, 2020


African style, potty training, getting to know your child's behavior and react to that.

  • You can carry your baby, also around 6 months old, not only when 1 or 2, to the toilet when you notice they will pee, then you hang the child above the toilet and the child will pee, and will learn where that goes.

This is the diaper- free way. The true human nature (Olsen, 2020).

You can also, make rythmn including going to the toilet, before bath, before another thing you do every day, so the child goes already.

This is like conditioning. There is a criticism, it is even a danger, especially for positive punishments, “the children could associate an undesirable reinforcement with stimuli beyond those originally intended. As demonstrated in Skinner’s Little Albert experiment, The child, heard loud noise during the conditioning and gained a phobia. “ (Psychologist world, 2020). So, you will need to address all other influences, during the learning process.

It is like in schools bad things can happen and kids will associate all those influences during the learning process. Kids in schools have a lower GPA than kids homeschooled, especially when forced to schools (Hachmer, 2020, All types of schooling, homeschool is best. Education is free), and this could be very logical because of all the forced “positive punishments”, with more associations, thus one is distracted in schools, instead of learning, and develops DSM and other problems as it is constantly going to those places, thus the associations shaped and trained. At home, you can address all those influences, when you parent, yourself.

Warmer weather can make potty training easier

When it's warmer and one can go outside, the child might be naked to swim, or in swimsuits, and is changing clothes, so, the child feels the body a lot more, than in winter when there are so many things on the body to keep the body warm, it is an easier moment, when a child is already naked, to use the potty constantly.

Rewards systems, can make it fun, but it can also be like positive punishment and associations creating problems.

Stickers, every time one went to the potty or toilet, is a thing from trends with nannies we had in the EU, also it is a reward system. It is a bit to force the child. We still need a child that is ready to be potty trained. It is not natural, but about awareness and adding positive rewards, during training. It is not hanging the child on time above a toilet and naturally behaves a certain way, over time the child is doing all the things themselves, as they never did anything else than go on time to “the toilet”.

These writers, Zeavon and Silverbrush (2020), do not mention the stickers, in that book, but the bridge they talk about, could be also used to the use of rewards, like stickers. A child not relating stickers to the potty training, will not understand the process, so, awareness is more important than having a system of rewards.

You could add them there, but you do not need them, and you might not always want it, as it is a motivator, but you need to be aware of the other influences that could be associated with the motivators, as explained in the skinner experiment.


The child will in any way become aware of the process, and start doing it all themselves. The child’s will is important when one feels the wet diaper when one is aware.

A child would have to be:

  • Physically ready, children would need to feel the sensations, they would need to be aware of what the sensations mean, and to control the muscles, and let go. This is a neurological development.
  • Emotionally ready, the steps must be clear. Children need to know what is expected. Then, they need to be ready for the steps. They might need to overcome fears.

Children will show bridge-building behavior: Seek out squishy substances, find a way to tell diapers are wet, they can get curious about toilet behaviors, they can stay dry longer, they could refuse the use of diapers.

Things to not do: Compare children with each other, see potty training as a maturity, punish when the child has accidents, overdo with prizes.

Things to do: Stay calm, be prepared for accidents, expect variations it will not always be the same situation every day. Think about the kids saying no, still want your approval. Think about, over time they will accomplish and be proud as you when they do (Zeavon, and Silverbush, 2020). Remind you everyone learns best with a growth mindset. You will reach a higher level of achievement with that (fs.blog, N.D.).

The weather, the mood changes, when learning

The bridge-building is the same idea as wonder weeks explains, child development, related to moods.

Only wonder weeks add the brain development neurologically, and is studying what children can do, the earliest, and on average, so one can start new games, new input the child might want or need, on time. To get to know the child and notice “ the weather” changes, the mood changes when one learns.

A child would be happy when the child learned new things, when all is easy, after a harder time of learning. Also, the brain than has grown a bit.

The child would be sad, or moody when the child learns new things and finds that harder during the learning process, until the child has learned the new things, the brain will soon grow, learn, and further develop.

This we can call leaps. Moments of learning, that seem to be typical in all children, but is also related to own pace.

So, some children are faster in development, than others. Also, a child can have preferences, all children have that, all adults too, but in small children, you get to know those personal preferences, and children will pick out things to study on, and will be learning those first, as they like that more (Hachmer, 2020, Book Review: The Wonder Weeks: A Stress-Free Guide to Your Baby’s Behavior (6th Edition).

You do not have to wait until the child feels the wet diaper.

You can naturally potty train from about 6 months old. You can think about the best environment for the child to potty train and help the child process all influences, to not get other associations with the potty training.

You can think about the bridge the child in any way will build, in potty training, and is needed to get to the other side of potty training.

The child will need to build a bridge.


Olsen, A. ( 2020) Infant Potty Training in Indigenous Africa: How people potty their babies in countries without diapers (Part 1). Godiaperfree. Retrieved from https://godiaperfree.com/infant-potty-training-in-indigenous-africa-how-people-potty-their-babies-in-countries-without-diapers-part-1/#:~:text=%22A%20child%20is%20carried%20on,noises%20to%20encourage%20the%20elimination.

Psychologist world (N.D.) Conditioning. Psychologist world. Retrieved from https://www.psychologistworld.com/memory/conditioning-intro

fs. blog (N.D.) Carol Dweck: A Summary of Growth and Fixed Mindsets. fs. blog. Retrieved from https://fs.blog/2015/03/carol-dweck-mindset/

Hachmer, J. (April, 2020) Book Review: The Wonder Weeks: A Stress-Free Guide to Your Baby’s Behavior (6th Edition). Frontiers. Retrieved from https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feduc.2020.00042/full

Hachmer, J. ( 9th of February, 2020) All types of schooling, homeschool is best. Education is free. Medium. Retrieved from https://jiskahachmer.medium.com/all-types-of-schooling-homeschool-is-best-education-is-free-cfb5e99eb043

Zeavon, C., and Silverbush, R. ( 2020) Potty. APA. Retrieved from https://www.apa.org/pubs/magination/pdf/potty-sample-pages.pdf

