Surefire ways - UNDERSTANDING — solves crimes and DSM. — Understand human, to stop crimes.

Living without crime and DSM is a higher literacy, coming from being smarter and understanding humans. Higher literates do not need forces, they understand natural forces, by being good. Being good changes the situation.

Jiska Hachmer
Environmental Psychology
23 min readJul 28, 2020


Good at the situation, understanding it best. Having higher literacy.

And being good as a person and good at forcing naturally towards the best. Understanding forces, and natural forces.

Naturally good, talented in being a good person, and good at understanding the situation. Naturally good in finding the good answers about forcing naturally.

Scientifically correct, and understanding scientific laws. Understanding human functioning. Understanding absolutes in science. When one knows something, is from the moment we found the scientific law. Before this, it is a theory, an idea of how it might be. We can not yet, built on that. We can not yet say that is the truth. You do can choose those things for you. This is a free space of your personal choices, like religion, none is allowed to decide for you.

A scientific law is a natural force, a logic, a must, how something truly, always is. -You can use that to rule.

Smartness than rules, not power-seeking, not lies, not twists, not a bad basic, not just someones will above others. No equality, absolute truth, and people that depend on others are thankful you gave the basic need. You are a provider, a truth, a logic, a smarter being able to take care of all depending, so all get their rights.

Not work from the idea what is already there, done by others, and then copy, and just built on that. Understand what had to be there, and create that, and then built on there.

For example, people want to enter the EU. But the EU is not doing just Human Rights. Each country comes from histories, and is politically moved into who is in power, owns the land. That start point starts wars (, N.D., Toetreding Servië tot de Europese Unie). As it is how one can own land, by breaking human rights, breaking science, breaking ethics, without SEL, just taking in any way you can win. Some might do this scientifically, but it leaves open all crime ways. Have we ever seen a leader being scientifically correct and based on scientific laws demanding land?

We need research on the right to own land.

Was the basic done correctly? Can we actually build on this? And what will the force do? Every behavior is a force, is having a reaction, a response. So, what is to expect?

You need to be really smart to be scientifically correct and to understand scientific laws and what that really means and does.

Leaders should be just that, the smartest with science, scientific laws, ethics, human rights (as they come from science, and this logic of what humans are) and academic skills and SEL, and that builds stability. -> A forever true force protecting the people. People will be forever happy with this.

The start force has to be understanding forces and human rights.

The natural side of humans, and why there are human rights laws, and why human function, and how all get their rights. What the science of human rights is. What the science of natural force is. What truly the best is.

Being best has to drive, not who is most criminal and capable to win the land.

Right to ranking means honest gotten place, as well. As the most powerful force is being good. You need to actually do that, to have no wrong forces, no crimes, no wrong development of people, and owning land.

You need to do Human Rights, only.

You also, always need to be scientific, ethical, and academically skilled and do SEL. Ethics are about human rights, scientific logic, and SEL, being aware of yourself and actions, and having empathy for others, be responsible solve conflicts(best), and have perseverance in this, stay good, not go down. SEL is about human rights, if you are aware of yourself and others and are empathic, you care about human rights and the science behind this. If you solve the best, if you are managing your emotions, you think of human rights as the boundary. When you need to stop getting more mad. You can not kill people. You can not skip their rights. Etc.

Human rights, go together with science, ethics, academic skills, and SEL because they came from science. — This is the truth of how human functions.

Humans by now know what the basic needs are, and how people function best. Science was basic for some years, then human rights were made. People got smarter and knowledgeable. People demanded their rights, by knowing why they have rights. It was not power-seeking related.

And not going into crimes, power-seeking, abuse, neglect, damaging, hurting, exploitation, ignorance, lower literacy, lack of knowledge, lack of understanding, lack of SEL, lack of academic skills, lack of ethics, etc.

You got humans, beings. — Ruled by scientific laws that count in this universe. HUMANS are SET TO BE HUMAN.

Even finding out how to tell you this best, saves humans.

If we do not learn to tell you in the best way, so you will like to read and learn, and if we don’t learn to tell you in the best way, so you can read and learn, you will not.

How we learn to tell others, in best ways, matters everything.

We need to understand the development of Children well, to understand the will they have, the preferences they have, and how they use it.

What if you could keep cats and dogs naturally, naturally loving your input, so they would process the best input, while you keep them in the best environment, naturally, with freedom and free will, their own preferences, and feelings, and allow them to be whoever they are? Their outcome will be the best they can be.

What if you now “keep” people, without keeping them, naturally loving you for your good input, and best ideas about environments, and your best creations that help them be the best they can be, helps them process the best the can, and let them create the best output?

Good input-> Good processing, and best environment to process in best ways-> Best output and outcomes.

Catching good behavior, instead of catching people.

How to stop crime in the world? How to change the world into a peaceful place? Good examples, higher literacy, and honor codes drop the crime rate.

Countries with lower literacy will have more crime, crime is linked to lower literacy. (Goetry, N.D. Supporting children with difficulties in reading and writing)

Higher literacy is a bridge between cultures. (Derue, N.D., leading people, and teams)

Can they know to do jobs correctly from A-Z? Coming with lacks?

Lacking the best start, all the best input, most sophisticated ideas? Why are they a country?

Duty is human rights, but there are also duties because of ethics, sciences, and it has to be done with SEL, and academic skills, so you can see these as duties as well.

There are more duties in ethics, science, and academic skills, as they are part of science, and ethics, and are able to cite, able to be correct, ethical, critical, find the truth, being feasible, etc. All about getting the job done correctly.

And human rights is the first thing, all must do, and is all the governments are doing, providing basic needs. They are to question why they use tax money from other people for it. But a country can only be a country if the human can be human, natural, themselves, truly what we are, and are not used, owned, trapped, kept, enslaved, etc. These are humans that have needs and are nature.

So, when you keep humans or are a country that is a difference.

Countries are not allowed to be used to own and keep people.

Countries are in the world, places with sources so you can develop naturally. The best environment humans need, to be their true selves, that is a country. People can live there, in that place, that is a country. Best circumstances, that is a country. Someone owns a country when they are best at human rights, providing, smart providers, able to do that job in human rights. Because of the duty of human rights, that came after hundreds of years of humanitarian movements, as people found science on what human need.

Power seekers damage, and are caused by crimes done to them, they are ill and damaged and now twisted and hurting. Most people are kind, 85% of people are kind (De Rue, N.D., leading people, and teams) they just want, like almost everyone, kindness.

If you have a good raising, and a good logic you naturally know why you are good a person, why you are (still) sweet, and have honor. What that feeling is of family, you are a part of and are taken care of by the good ones, when you depend. Because of that, you can take care of depending when you are mature, and know what that really means. It does not mean used by or controlled by.

You understand how science made all, and what science is: natural, logical human thinking, and a thinking and investigating system, to find the truth. You have a logical development of human, in life, you start using your senses, and your features.

These features are who you are, and what you have, what you can, you will use what you have, and thus are. You can not be something else, as you are human.

DNA of humans, a pattern, which is unique, personal, and meant to grow out authentic, unique, and autonomous, but is similar enough to understand you are using the human pattern, in that development.

Good natural forces, not control, forcing people to do what we want, but natural good input that forces naturally to be who you are and do the best you can-> Processing the best ways-> Best output

Your output will be someone else’s input!

So you are using the human DNA pattern, not another being in life.

There are typical standard features to these humans, and you can recognize Homo Sapiens by:

  • Speech
  • Art
  • Handling more of the same kind/specie. Us humans are empathic and able to explain to others what we know. We are able to share, and with more of our own specie, than other species, and this is a reason why we survive as the longest specie, ever. We understand each other, although we are guessing beings, within ourselves, with our senses between the environment and our brain. Input goes through our senses. We are lucky to be aware of others when we are aware. We need the best input and depend on good input we can process, so we can have a good output. Input comes from the environment. We are born totally depending, learn to use our senses, and learn to process input and will learn to create output. This output will also be other people their input. Together we have common knowledge, commonly shared ideas, and understanding. We can only measure us compared to other people. We can only do what we do naturally as humans, and what we do naturally with the input we got. Handling the same kind, is not so logical for other animals, as they do not understand each other much, nor understand they are the same species. Lots of animals leave home when they are grown enough. Humans live with who is left randomly, as we also lived with many deaths, of children, parents, and other family members. You live with who is left around. We can walk away, and get lost, too. We also can communicate and share and express our feelings and ideas and can build a life together. We can build knowledge, too.

All of this is caused by our human pattern, DNA. But DNA is made. The environment changes DNA. We evolved this way and got lucky features keeping us alive, still. It is a successful pattern, still. Be aware 99% of all species died out already.

Evolution: We will get more empathy.

Every 1 out of 7 babies carries a new evolutionary attempt, some will survive, I read in an article a few years ago. So, we will keep changing, but the changes are slowly changing us as humans.

Also, the next new evolutionary change would be empathy. Bigger eyes we would get as humans because we would be more empathic in the future. The scientific base was people get smarter every generation, and the eyes had grown bigger, this was the relation between the two. (Some years ago)

Now people think we could become that, or will be changed by humans(ScientificAmerican, 2012).

One thing is sure in the universe, the universe always changes. And we have to fit with the universe, the environment. We can not stretch us too far, else we die out, too. Changes go slowly in the universe, if we change to fast, or not change at all, fitting the changes around us, we die out. (Christian, et al, N.D., Big History)

Authoritative raising is the only style that creates no DSM, all other types cause DSM

Authoritarian-> ODD and fears, boys ODD, girls fears

Neglect-> Because of the neglect, the world is small and copied, it is all they know, so-> a bad copy-> Copy of the neglective situation

Impulsive-> Addictions

All mean: authoritative raising, the natural good force

-> letting people do the best. But one has to know best first, to know what they should want from others. You need to know the most sophisticated things, science. Authoritative raisers use science.

If people that raise children, think of bad ideas, and want to force kids, and others to do that bad idea, you get a response against that, “ODD”, actually a logic response or fear, also a logic response, as the bad ideas are no good ideas. Authoritarians are not logical, they force, they are not scientific, they demand one way. Science is only one way when we found scientific laws, everyone can always get the same answer when scientific law is found. All will get the same answer means, it is truth, it is logic, it is the thing all will find themselves doing the science, thus doing their own natural thinking and the scientific method. There is no forcing.

If you think to use people, people will be forces back, always.

Always when there are problems humans will solve.

These bad forces of authoritarians, neglecting, and impulsive raisers, are about the same…

No truth, no good truth, not reality, but a wrong idea. Coming from being abused themselves.

All others, not like them, wonder if they see it? Because we do feel the bad outcomes clearly. These users of these bad styles are stuck in bad behavior, and now work from that bad situation, trying to get things done, from us, the other people, but they try the wrong way.

Authoritative is sophisticated.

That is the only style causing no DSM.

These people, raised this way, are friendly, and able to work alone and together. They are raised as equal people and will become equal while growing up.

Science is their basic, they use science to know the truth. They, study, and are able to take care of others, they understand this carrying.

These types of raisers give the child what it asks, and needs, they do human rights and respect the will of the child.

They understand children, according to science, and in this true natural way, in this scientific law ways, in the ways of human rights, basic needs. Also, they have true science understanding when something is not yet really proven, and when it is. It is most sophisticated.

The respect children get lets children think, themselves, and let them develop with the best input, and lets them understand the nature of science, and life and themselves, and helps them understand the scientific method and research, and how to find out the truth. So, they can learn, by being treated respectful and equal, and are respected for their own pace, growth, and development, and acknowledge they are not yet fully grown but are equal, and counting as equal.

Growing up is a mindset and a norm, and logic, people are developing, not born mature. But they will be one day. People are equal to every step of that development and every step of being.

So, these people come out truthful, friendly, mature, wise, and capable. When mature they take care of depending, they understand the nature of human beings and this cycle of depending, independence, and becoming dependent again.

They understand the logic of human rights. basic needs, sciences, SEL, academic skills, and ethics, and are not forced, but respected. From this deep and logical respect, there is this good outcome and logical outcome, with no DSM, and no problems. They are the nature of wise humans, the Homo Sapiens.

The people raised with other styles, carry the same genes but are made slaves, they are used, they are not fully developed, impaired, shaped into something that is not truly being yourself, not truly natural, and not truly good for you. Those styles damage the human.

Authoritarians-> Raise slaves, human trafficked, and exploited. -> use people, a one way.

Neglecting-> Raise impaired, human trafficked, and exploited. -> use people, not fully developed

Authoritarians and neglecting are about the same but one does neglect, and is small-minded, low literate-> is linked to crimes. The tone is neglect, skipping.

The other is ruling, which is also the neglect of truth, the person, their will, other options, etc, but the tone is ruling.

Impulsive-> Raise addicts. Are unstable, not the truth, and develop people in a certain wrong way, skipping truth, ruling with impulse.

Authoritative raising — Is like creating a friend, truly respected, understood, and equal.

With love, good input, and let them be who they are. Your input is a good natural input, that naturally forces, without being forceful.

Refill with elements: What gets into the human changes us.

We use the elements around us, to refill our cells, with elements, so the cells keep functioning, and we will change by that environment we are living in, as we take it in, and process the environment, so it can change us. Every element you take in is unique. They are unique parts of the total element. So, if you take in water elements, water is the total, but the parts you took in, are parts of water.

What gets into the human changes us.

We also changed this way as Neanderthals and other human types into Homo Sapiens. Strongest forces win. This Homo Sapiens gene was the strongest force.

No one noted they were dying out. Suddenly the Homo Sapiens was the only one still made by the human types, and thus the other types died out. They got the Homo Sapiens out of their wombs, gave birth to them, and simply never again their own specie.

Homo Sapiens was an evolutionary change among human types, and won, genetically.

People loved, got families, and changed.

The universe is always changing, slowly, but always changing.

The better we understand science, and life, and keep fitting in the changes, the best we will survive.

The way we do science will determine how well we survive.

Telling the truth is very important. Expressing truth too. Sharing this truth with others is very important. Science is important.

Change of criminals is with literacy, honor codes, good examples never going into crimes.

  • Good examples with higher literacy, and honor codes, and creating higher literacy and honor codes.
  • Full of honor being an example, and higher literate.
  • A higher literate always honors full and a good example.

You can read it in many ways, but it means the same: Being good.

Good at it, being a good person, being an example.

In your countries: What can you do? To change people into better beings?

And for me: How to help the Dutch?

Cops are the ones that need to learn the true laws, sciences, ethics, human rights, and with SEL, and academic skills, to have their jobs a-z correct, I think.

And it needs more,

  • a-z elementary,
  • middle school and all of k-12, on gymnasium level,
  • with all their talents, and all they each can do best developed, being themselves,
  • being their true selves, not only the way they can, but first, and also who they want to be.
  • The way you can be must come from what you want to be. And want to have to be truly your own will.
  • Nature will be the environment and change people too when disasters come. Input will influence and can distract from the true self, or help the true self survive. So we need to control this “bad” input.

You need to know all these things well and detailed and understand how one can be their nature, the environment, the DNA, the influence, or their selves.

And all the changes will come from all of this.

Some want to be a natural person, another their own made-up idea about themselves.

  • And this can come down to DSM after things happened to the person.
  • And it can come down to crimes when things happened to the person.
  • It can also be, being their true best selves when things happened to the person.

So, we need to be detailed and very studied on this part, of what is you, and what is natural, and the environment, and what are all possibilities? And what is right and what is wrong? But always are you still, your true selves? Who caused what? And how to prevent bad input?

All humans are unique, born depending, and are developing into independent beings.

When this is done best, the person is their best selves.

  • The input changes the child.
  • The input has to be what the child wants, and fits their true selves.
  • You need to interpret the child correctly.
  • Not allowed to force to join, same time kids are equal.
  • We also, do not expose them to crimes, and bad influences, as this damages.

There is a logic, but not a made-up idea, there is truth in this, not force, nor “control”, but natural force, and the duty is to interpret correctly.

It is not just a job to decide if something is true, it has to be truly true.

  • Science, evidence-based truth.
  • Not the small idea of Dutch thinking science is a theory and then force people, and then constant force people with new theories, no opinions are for yourself.
  • Scientific laws, like the basic needs, are absolute, you need warmth, oxygen, fluid(clean water), varied food, clothes, shelter, and sometimes medicine to survive, also need the best input(interpreting the child correctly, and helping the child get their will done, to help them achieve, not to tell them what it should be, nor use them as slaves, etc, science has the natural way of learning, you need to know the scientific method and steps, to understand this, and be most sophisticated.

The student-teacher bond explains, how a child can need you, and how not.

  • Pace says a lot too.
  • There is a standard development, and a cumulative and a to bigger complex, you need to understand this, to understand the child, and to understand the input a child “needs”/ wants.
  • You need to know the effect of your input, and how a child needs their own thesis and research and hypothesis and experiments and share their own results.
  • You need to understand independence, and dependence and how a child is born totally depending and develops into being independent, taking care of all depending, including you the one helping the child in the beginning when it depends on you.)

Then cops do human rights.

Actually, human rights are all anyone ever does, in any job, and all have this as a duty.

But coming from their job and reason for work, they work to solve the crimes, who is not understanding these laws and is not following the law, is wrong. This also, explains protection and being right or wrong.

They research, and share evidence, they find right from wrong.

There is more than punishment, and taking to judges.

All is about being truthful, correct, absolutely true, the science, the evidence of right from wrong.

So, they need a focus on that core, I think.

They do, like anyone, human rights, ethics, sciences, academic skills, and SEL, but have this preference of catching wrong from right.

To clean the spaces.

If one understands control the best, the natural forces the best, it has a natural way of forcing. If one knows to hit the best, it hits. And that is wrong, that is not finding wrong from right, and that is not cleaning the spaces. Etc.

All people are going through input, and are processing input and have a certain output, because of

  • the environment they have been through and they have processed,
  • and because of any input, unconscious input, input teachers do not see, input parents do not see, etc.
  • and how their mind works.

If we create dark triad, and DSM we have more ill at work and more crime at work. If we create the best input for all, we have better workers.

If you understand the pyramid of cops, you can let them catch criminals in jobs.

  • Above the social workers, just like psychologists above the social workers.
  • Judges only administrative workers, actually.

If you understand this and understand what they tried with cops, you see how some used people and lied to them. Just opinions and just power-seekers, pretending an opinion is the law, and then skipping the law. But also let the cops walk with the frauded papers.

If you understand this pyramid, you can create the best input, and for all.

And none would feel its intruding or influencing, or criminal, they can check and control input, and see what you mean, so they process only correct input, and protect their work and themselves. So, all stays correct. There is a job for cops, to keep the fields clean, so all can do their jobs correctly from A-Z and stay clean. And stay easy to follow, easy to check on what they do, actually.

If one could intrude with crimes, and wrong information something is wrong here in these pyramids, in the input they got, in the workers, in the system they work in, etc. Then, something is up.

We can set this straight and find peace at work. We can also see what is against human rights, ethics, sciences, and what is not being academic skilled, nor SEL. We can see it! So, cops can see it.

We all, also cops, can sense, and study on this, and find answers to questions about this. We can control in the best ways, so every influence is correct.

So, we control the cops and them, us. But in the end, none controls, but the truth.

So, people can abuse power or show the truth. (And not influence, but simply show the truth).

Together we must learn what that is. Sciences help us find the truth. If all do sciences on the highest level, we already understand each other. Higher literacy is a bridge between cultures.

If one can understand science and one can show science correctly, all look up the research on bridges between jobs and people and would find the same truth.

We all actually, only need to understand this functioning and check it on any faults.

One goes through nature or science, and it is actually the same when the scientific steps are done, but you can check that. And science wants that check.

You need to be sure what brings you the truth. And how that should be done, what the steps are to find the truth.

A baby has senses and develops with senses. At a time it can add research, but it was already researching, it is a nature, only will add other research done too.

You need to wonder, to have a question, and to start research. Kids wonder, they research, investigate. And it is there where we have to add all the most sophisticated research and they use that as input and will check it if it's true.

You can keep them busy with science, and they develop best with science. It is simply, you let them wonder, and they investigate. And you add what others have found, but the correct research, thus not just someone's opinion, without researching.

You have then two researching, the child, and the one that has researched the topic the child is researching.

Then you show all the best places, where the child can find more most sophisticated research on the topic.

It is a hobby, a subject the child likes, that the child will investigate best. Or if the child loves investigating, the process itself the child loves.

Research this article and add all best you could find, and change it into the better ways, all will see how well you do science.

Criminals in my country, many of them in the jobs, with crimes out of hand, using the jobs, do not understand we all see their lack.

And how they only, because they are together with none understanding, seem “smarter” to themselves, we do not agree. We know in science, criminals are always dumber, and it's only the sect itself they look powerful in. They abuse, use, traffick people, exploit, etc.

So, realize science is truth and solving crimes.

And you won't have to ever lose it. Criminals will come up, but you can go without crime and catch criminals, and stay true.

The stronger, smarter the cop, the cleaner the jobs.

The more scientific all people, the less crime, and the less work the cops have, but also more job to do, but different work, more researching.

So, we got into the way, today, because of the types of crimes, and lack of science, and lack of knowledge, and we must solve that.

Lack of knowledge, changing into higher literacy is always the core of solving crime, as low literacy is a link with the crime.

So, we always have power, crime is temporary, and you need to be aware to start cleaning the spaces.

I think, fastest cleaning, is to teach cops science and teach them to spot the written out above. Then they cant be used.

Knowledge, and ethics, always win, so then they win. Truth wins. Same as love. And ethics.

You need science to have the truth. You get strong collecting all science. And clean up.

We could be teaching social work, while they still are wrong… Teaching teachers, judges, etc, but, I think, we actually need cops to clean the spaces and catch the crimes, they are very important, and we need to understand their functioning and help them get the truth.

Honor and truth are key in best cops and cleanest spaces.

The twists, lies, frauds are criminal and come from a long way, as it has to develop, and developed in between people, as we all live with people. Some let this happen, and some did not know how to be truthful, some are abused, used, brainwashed, like sects and “following”, not even aware of the truth.

Dark Triad skip truth and honor. A crime-free space is full of truth and honor.


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