The Secrets To Finding World Class Tools For Your Processing Information Quickly

The environment is your input through your senses, per sensation to the brain. The brain processes this input (smarter more than less smart) and will create output.

Jiska Hachmer
Environmental Psychology
4 min readApr 24, 2020


From simply input, processing to output. To thesis, questioning, wondering, and creating an opinion after experiencing sensations with the senses, researching the questions, and addressing the mind to more sophisticated ideas, with the scientific method, and research. Then, creating output after processing input.

From just a being with processing input, and from just a person growing up with more and more research and own experiments and sophisticated ideas, controlling input and own questioning, a person can study a curriculum for a job, or for understanding a topic and to work a certain way. To have a structure.

High literacy drops the crime rate. Also, honor codes, and having good people in a field, with good behavior. Jobs have to be done right. So, with your own will and preferences, you develop standard with this standard logical development that all people have but authentic, from one stage to another, and to bigger complex.


  • input- processing — output
  • Thesis, research thesis, hypothesis, and sharing results
  • Curriculum for a job, a structure from a-z in studies on a topic, or topics needed for a job, or to work in a certain way.


Own pace and preferences.

  • standard development
  • cumulative development
  • to bigger complex

You need to find what you need.

Finding the best way to process information is what you need to process the best way. You need to find what you need.

Teachers have been through all this development and with a curriculum, means with the research of others and themselves, and found their way, their idea of best.

Theories are no absolutes, they are some things that can be the best, but now are known as theories, things that work, but perhaps not as absolute. And there are many theories.

Experiments are needed to lead us to absolute truth and a formula.

A scientific law, a formula, is absolute, and will always work, and is the answer to the question. In this study to what way do we process information best.

We have studied a lot and came far, some things are absolutes, but not yet in the total review of the field a total absolute. So, you need to choose from all that people have found, to see what works best for you. And need to find out where the findings stand in the total story.

Homeschool is proven best, school buildings proven worst. Highest literacy drops crime rate and you have the right to get all the best and need the best input to become. With all that input you need you, to listen to you. And need to get what is best for you.

How do you like processing?



Essay memorization framework

Made a Textbook

Art journal

Your own learning and processing style

I make medium articles, and need writing and writing out, it looks like an art journal or writing books. I need in studies lecture slides, actually mostly only, to get high grades. I do not need classrooms, but a teacher I don't mind as long as the teacher is precise in using forms to answer back, and creates truth in grading, and precisely measurable answers.

That style is an “experiential” style in learning. I need graphics, and infographics, and text-mining.

Equal score? No outcome?

On that test I score in all parts equally, thus I am not one of those, so I learned from one of my professors and her test, I am experiential learning, experiencing, and thus need lecture slides and graphics like an infographic, not all those tests give such option as an outcome.

Some other tests, only focus on senses. Or reading and being practical. Or being a math or language a person. Or left or right-sided. No, I am always balanced, use both brain sides, and am two-handed.

Learning fast is about impressive things, and thoughts, and feelings and that stands out. So, learning is about how do you process input. What do you like? What is your preference?


