We are standing in front of the biggest work of human life, who leads the world is very important, right now.

The USA will teach all the billions of people with their best knowledge, insights, education, and levels, this has to be done ethically and with the world's best knowledge.

Jiska Hachmer
Environmental Psychology
11 min readNov 5, 2020


We are standing in front of the biggest work of human life, creating the best today, so our children live peacefully on other planets in the future. In 2050 we have reached the maximum of the earth population, 10 billion people is the maximum of the earth, we need to leave earth before that time (Wolchover, 2011; Goldstone, 2019; UN, 2019).

If we solve crimes, DSM, bias, myths, and faults today, we have the good planet of tomorrow.

America can lead the new billions of people that will come in 2050.

From now until then, America needs to understand their role and fulfill this big mission. It is how they will earn the most, but also how they will bring the best knowledge to all. It is a fair earning, shaping the world to be the best.

Focus, on honor codes, good examples, and higher literacy will save the earth and the future of life in the universe (Hachmer, 2019). This is also a focus on being good, instead of just earning money (Hachmer, 2020, a moneyless world will stop crimes)

You will earn, as ethics and knowledge will win on the market (De Rue, et al., N.D.).

Our future depends on how well we will do science, and evidence-based arguments, and making informed decisions (Hachmer, 2020, our future depends on how well we humans will do science, evidence-based arguments, and making informed decisions).


Wolchover, N. (11th of October, 2011) How Many People Can Earth Support? Live science Retrieved from https://www.livescience.com/16493-people-planet-earth-support.html

Goldstone, J. (14th of January, 2019)Africa 2050: Demographic Truth and Consequences. Hoover. Retrieved from https://www.hoover.org/research/africa-2050-demographic-truth-and-consequences#:~:text=For%20Africa%2C%20however%2C%20with%20a,to%204.5%20billion%20by%202100.

UN (21st of June, 2019) World population projected to reach 9.8 billion in 2050, and 11.2 billion in 2100. UN. Retrieved from https://www.un.org/development/desa/en/news/population/world-population-prospects-2017.html

Hachmer, J. (26th of June, 2020) Our future depends on how well we humans will do science, evidence-based arguments, and making informed decisions. Medium. Retrieved from https://medium.com/ombudscycle/our-future-depends-on-how-well-we-humans-will-do-science-evidence-based-arguments-and-making-c2fedc766bd8

Hachmer, J. (8th of December, 2019) Increasing the honor code to stop crime. Medium. Retrieved from https://jiskahachmer.medium.com/increasing-the-honor-code-to-stop-crime-cf5666d27878

Hachmer, J. (11th of August, 2020) A moneyless world stops crime. Medium. Retrieved from https://medium.com/environmental-psychology/a-moneyless-world-stops-crime-d3d430f4bf2c

De Rue, S., et al. (N.D.) Leading people and teams. Michigan University through Coursera. Retrieved from https://www.coursera.org/specializations/leading-teams

What do we need to lead?

I think we need to get the work floor correct now, so our kids will be able to work perfectly, safely, and free in the future.

Fewer crimes at work, less damaging input from our work floors.

  • Fewer hunger crimes
  • Fewer low literate ideas which are linked to crimes.
  • Fewer damaging input, creating DSM, biases, myths, faults, crimes.

Dropping the crime rate with:

  • More honor codes
  • Higher literacy
  • More good examples

If we did the work floors even better in the past, we had better bosses, business owners, better care, better justice systems, and better presidents today.

Because of the better input for everyone, better processing, better environments, and thus better output.

Even higher literate than today is needed.

Everyone has a high school diploma in the USA (90% of the population)(Jordan, 2017), and a high GPA (Average 3, homeschooled even 3+, but also unschooled score just a bit below average (Concordia University, 2012). So, all do fine. Everyone gets the elements, the basic subjects, on a very high level.

Now it needs to change to, everyone gets a few Ph.D.s. So, they can change the consulting industry into even more consulting globally, leading with all knowledge.

With the note. It is important in many ways to understand this role of the USA, with their knowledge, and the role of higher literacy.

  • It does drop the crime rate.
  • It does make any product better.
  • It does make the systems better.
  • People will improve everything.
  • It also gives a clear curriculum for the work floors and will show a different time between studying, and learning, and working.

Teaching the new smart, and creating the new people into smart, shapes the world.

Also, Asia will continue to be the smartest in the world in some years (Horowitz, 2019; Cooke, 2017; Kremer, 2015; Putterman, 2015), which will be more than 4 billion people, and Africa is now with the youngest people in the world, lots are students, they will have 2.5 billion in 2050, and 4. 5 billion people in 2100 (Goldstone, 2019). Today they have 1 billion people, but they will grow out to 4.5 billion people in 2100, they are having a baby boom. Together it is about 8 billion people, to lead with the best teachers.

If you are now the best, you have the market, teaching these many hungry students in the world, it is the market for the next years.

When you are the Ph.D.’s, and multiple Ph.D., you lead. Else, you are lost in the few billion people with the same degree level. And you will notice that a lot more strongly, as the population will grow, the billions will study and get smarter, and as smart as the USA, perhaps even smarter, as Asians have higher IQ, and India is the next smartest in the world.

You, also, shape their worlds into the best, when you are the best, which will lead them to good countries and continents, with billions of people getting the best. Smart people stop viruses, and this makes also everyone smarter. So, there will be a positive cycle creating wealth, by making everyone smarter (Hachmer, 2020).

The goal is to give everyone the best world and help them become the best they can be. We need examples of that.


Jordan, J. (14th of December, 2017) High School Completion Rate Is Highest in U.S. History. The United States Census Bureau. Retrieved from https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2017/educational-attainment-2017.html#:~:text=Dec.,had%20a%20high%20school%20diploma.

Concordia University (6th of November, 2012) Are home-schooled children smarter? Youtube. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGp4KFLuQNc&t=2s

Goldstone, J. (14th of January, 2019)Africa 2050: Demographic Truth and Consequences. Hoover. Retrieved from https://www.hoover.org/research/africa-2050-demographic-truth-and-consequences#:~:text=For%20Africa%2C%20however%2C%20with%20a,to%204.5%20billion%20by%202100.

Horowitz, E. (22nd of May, 2019) IQ rates are dropping in many developed countries and that doesn’t bode well for humanity. NBC News. Retrieved from https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/iq-rates-are-dropping-many-developed-countries-doesn-t-bode-ncna1008576

Cooke, R. (2nd of October, 2017) Effects of Increases in IQ in India on the Present Value of Lifetime Earnings: A Structured Expert Judgment Study. SSRN. Retrieved from https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3094387

Kremer, W. (2015) Are humans getting cleverer? BBC Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-31556802

Putterman, L. (19th of December, 2015) Why IQs Rise When Nations Experience Rapid Economic Development. Evonomics. Retrieved from https://evonomics.com/does-your-iq-predict-how-rich-you-will-be/

Walker, J. (2004) Global IQ 1950–2020. Fourmilab. Retrieved from https://www.fourmilab.ch/documents/IQ/1950-2050/

Rindermann H, and Pichelmann S (2015) Future Cognitive Ability: US IQ Prediction until 2060 Based on NAEP. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0138412. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0138412

Nagdy, M. (N.D,) Intelligence. Our World in Data. Retrieved from https://ourworldindata.org/intelligence

Wai, J. (3rd of December, 2013) What’s the Smartest Country in the World?Psychology Today. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/finding-the-next-einstein/201312/whats-the-smartest-country-in-the-world

Hachmer, J. (28th of April, 2020) Highest IQ chose High regulations for homeschool, but it is not the smartest idea. The best is homeschool to get the highest GPA and get the oldest. Medium. Retrieved from https://medium.com/environmental-psychology/highest-iq-chose-high-regulations-for-homeschool-but-it-is-not-the-smartest-idea-36a06d525a28

Hachmer, J. (29th of February, 2020) Virus, like Coronavirus, Covid19, and Yara virus: Early childhood infections can lead to lower IQ and psychosis. Medium. Retrieved from https://jiskahachmer.medium.com/virus-like-coronavirus-covid19-and-yara-virus-early-childhood-infections-can-lead-to-lower-iq-de79084816f0

Our future depends on the best, and the USA has the best, now.

So, the next step is understanding where the world is going, and how the few millions in America lead the billions of the future. If you miss that now, the world misses the best leaders.

The world depends on sharing the best knowledge. This will result in a better world, fewer crimes, less DSM, less bias, fewer myths, fewer faults.

Our children will live on other planets, thus so will we.

Science shows, our children will live on other planets, with their kids, and grandkids, so we will too when we, Millenials, are old (TED, 2016).

We will have our elderly homes there. We will be taken away to the universe. Our kids will spread life through the universe.


TED (5th of May, 2016) Your kids might live on Mars. Here’s how they’ll survive | Stephen Petranek. Youtube. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9c7aheZxls&list=PLPBkt4oR5ClNX5U_Mt8MQjAYIqq4-QOcB&index=3&t=0s

If we lead the world today with all ethics, human rights, sciences, academic skills, and SEL, we create the best future, for the life they will spread.

We can stop planet wars of the future, by being our best today.

We should let people develop at their own pace and time (Bock, 1998; Hachmer, 2020). Also, children, which are equal to all people, and competent like all people, also, by law, the human rights demands this (Ruggiero, N.D.).

The better we do now, the better they live over time. The more science we have done now, the more they have the absolute truth, thus also no fights, and total freedom, able to be authentic, and autonomous, truly grown people, also, correctly grown people. Without people just ruling and using them, but all understanding science on the highest levels. All with many PhDs could be a logical next step, now everyone has a high school diploma and on a high level. Also, the stop of the force to child labor, stopping forced schooling and changing the ways we school.


Bock, V. (12th of May, 1998) The Secret Weapon: An
IQ-to-Grade Conversion Chart. VCB Consulting. Retrieved from https://vcbconsulting.com/gtworld/iqgrade.html

Hachmer, J. (30th of March, 2020) BASIC CHILD DEVELOPMENT INTO THREE STAGES Made Simple — Even Your Kids Can Do It Medium Retrieved from https://jiskahachmer.medium.com/basic-child-development-into-three-stages-made-simple-even-your-kids-can-do-it-be4915e3d6a7#:~:text=BASIC%20CHILD%20DEVELOPMENT%20INTO%20THREE,It%20%7C%20by%20Jiska%20Hachmer%20%7C%20Medium

Ruggiero, R. (N.D.) Children’s Human Rights — An Interdisciplinary Introduction The University of Geneva through Coursera. Retrieved from https://www.coursera.org/learn/childrens-rights

All input we get needs to be the best input, the best processing, and the best environment so the people, also kids have the best output. All at their own pace, with their own genders, preferences, free will.

Force changes people. Forcing is not allowed according to human rights, this also has logic in science, logic in nature.

Crimes at work, and creating DSM with wrong input, we need to stop.

  • We need to stop the wrong input, that creates crimes and DSM.
  • Also, we need to stop the usage of work for crimes, and the creation of DSM and crimes, through that work.

We need to stop the damages. With a focus on the jobs, the input through work, as criminals need the money and will use the jobs, and the people through the jobs.

So, we need to study criminals and the usage of jobs, create freedom and create the absolutes in sciences. So, we know what does “rule” naturally, scientifically, like a natural force, without interfering, forcing people with our ideas and will. Also, how to place all that science, with human rights.

We cannot just fly because of gravity, but we can when we use a plane, and that has rules.

We need to get very logical in everything.

We need to protect the future, so in the future, no criminals take over. For example, by using the ombudscycles.

Also, looking at the past, and all that went wrong in the past.

There are a lot of jobs in this, and these jobs we have forever. On ombudscycles, and sciences, we work forever.

Conclusion: We need to work and lead on these things to create a good world.

We also, need to understand the role the USA has in the world, and how to be best and teach all that best.

  • Ombudscycles
  • Tribunals
  • A-Z correct work floors
  • Make clear no one is owned by any state, country, another person, club, groups, judges, justice, etc. Everyone is free.
  • Human rights, privacy, ethics, authenticity, being autonomous, development of your own world, your own life.

True development is not forced, there is no right to force. We need to go deep into those subjects and free the people.


Hachmer, J. (11th of October, 2020) Study to know how to stop wars, terrorism, extremism, fascism, crimes at work, DSM, and low literacy? Medium. Retrieved from https://jiskahachmer.medium.com/study-to-know-how-to-stop-wars-terrorism-extremism-fascism-crimes-at-work-dsm-and-low-b69a8c3d375

Hachmer, J. (10th of October, 2020) Who pushes us into crimes? Dark Triad, through work. Crimes at work, this leads to more crime, DSM, and damages through work, in everyone’s life. Medium. Retrieved from https://medium.com/@jiskahachmer/who-pushes-us-into-crimes-46a7cbef7d86

Hachmer, J. (5th of December, 2019) Scientific Laws and the brain: F=m*a, and velocity. Good input creates good output. Bad input is bad output and bad velocity. Medium. Retrieved from https://jiskahachmer.medium.com/scientific-laws-and-the-brain-f-m-a-and-velocity-c0d773953e10

Hachmer, J. (5th of December, 2019) Control the people: Control the mind and behavior. Medium. Retrieved from https://jiskahachmer.medium.com/control-the-people-control-the-mind-and-behavior-57c37080b0e4

Hachmer, J. (29th of July, 2019) We are almost done to create Godsend human! Medium. Retrieved from https://jiskahachmer.medium.com/we-are-almost-done-d97ca2c628d8

Update 25th of November, 2020

